MONTHLY HEADER #71: Concept Ships Collage

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I've had this graphic about half way finished and intended to use it for the best of 2011 header. Summers are so crazy busy for me though, that I ended up using it for for June. I find the graphic interesting because the individual text is larger than you might see on the web but the movies within it are smaller than sd resolution. Also, If you were to make this graphic from scratch, you'd be looking at mad hours:) I had a hard time keeping it under ten megs.

Keywords: concept animated flash loop hd high definition collage art design collaboration motion graphic art logo concept ships monthly june header number #71 seventy one vector raster photoshop corel draw aftereffects flash css blogger google
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陸客自由行 商機上看60億








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塑化飲料 塑化劑

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塑化劑飲料添塑化劑 知名廠商上榜


目前衛生署網站公布添加違法塑化劑的知名飲料包括:悅氏運動飲料、動力運動飲品、動能1,000飲品等系列品牌、通暢包酵素飲品、Taiwan yes 運動速燃飲料相關品牌、SunKist粒粒檸檬果汁飲料等系列品牌,總共有近30項不同產品。



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這些機器人會創造自己的語言,是因為人類語言太過複雜與精細,機器人很難理解。計畫領導人舒爾茲(Ruth Schulz)告訴「英國廣播公司」:「機器人自創語言把人類排除在外。」




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Watch The Hangover 2 movie

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Watch The Hangover 2 movie ensured to be released on schedule. Parties to the film company Warner Bros. confirmed the film will begin to be released in the area of  ​​New Zealand on Thursday (26/05/2011) local time.

The announcement will be important considering the previous movie directed by Todd Phillips had threatened postponed because there is a copyright infringement lawsuit filed tattoo artist Victor Whitmill.

Whitmill, tattoo maker in the face of Mike Tyson, cast a lawsuit against Warner Bros. relating to use of tattoo design is one of the stars in the movie The Hangover 2 without permit.

Whitmill filed a lawsuit Friday (5/20/2011) ago. He asked a federal judge blocked the tattoos featured in the promo in the film. Unfortunately, Whitmill request was rejected by the judge on Tuesday (05/24/2011).

Warner Bros parties welcomed the decision. "We are very grateful to the court decision that allows the film The Hangover 2 can be released as scheduled on this Sunday all over the world," he told Entertainment Weekly.

The Hangover 2 is the sequel of successful comedy films in 2009. In the first film, Mike Tyson took part by playing himself. The film also stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, and Ken Jeong, who also will be present again in the film.

The Hangover 2 will come back to surprise after presenting Liam Neeson as a cameo. As reported by Aceshowbiz, a source told People magazine that the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton will attend as a cameo in the comedy.

Male 64 years who now telibat as public speaking and humanitarian action after leaving the White House is alleged to have committed in short shoot on Saturday, November 13, 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand, when he also visited the city for the event Clean Energy. But no news is unclear how the presence of Bill Clinton's later relationship with the previous movie plot to bring Mike Tyson as a cameo in this first film.

Initially this will only bring the sequel to Mel Gibson as a cameo, but was replaced by Liam Neeson who recently pleaded not going to act as a tattoo artist in the upcoming film.

The Hangover 2 is currently filming in Bangkok after a previously performed in Los Angeles. Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis, Ed Helms, Justin Bartha, and Ken Jeong will again star in a movie by Todd Phillips who worked on this. The plan The Hangover 2 will be released on May 26, 2011 in the United States.
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天安門前 富士山下

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天安門前 富士山下

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肉體情書 吳梓嫣

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中戲校花 盧思思

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中戲校花 盧思思





自1996年9月考入中國浙江少兒藝術團,這個女孩的藝術之路就被命運埋下了伏線。愛跳舞的思思1998年代表中國赴烏克蘭參加國際少兒藝術節榮獲舞蹈金獎,在2000年更以優異成績考入北京舞蹈學院附中,並連續三年獲得北京舞蹈學院頒發的“一等獎獎學金” “特等獎獎學金” 。 2002年獲得香港胡楚南獎學金殊榮。

同年,幸運大門再一次向盧思思開啟。她的人生之路也就此發生了戲劇性的轉變。 2002年她被田壯壯導演選中主演其複出第一部電影《小城之春》,徹底激發了盧思思對影視表演的熱愛。



中戲校花盧思思 詳細資料

籍貫 浙江溫州

生日 1986年4月7日

血型 B型

身高 168cm

體重 48Kg

現住地 北京

畢業院校 中央戲劇學院表演系2004屆本科

職業 全能藝人

特長 戲劇表演、歌唱、舞蹈,美術,吉他,寫作

愛好 旅遊,音樂,駕駛,游泳

代表作品 《新安家族》《小城之春》《窮媽媽富媽媽》

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中國最矮男子 身高72.5公分











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TYAN to Showcase High-Density Cloud Computing Solutions

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, May 30, 2011

TYAN, an industry-leading server platform provider, and a subsidiary of MiTAC International Corp. will display a full line-up of cloud computing solutions that meet the increasing demand for higher density and lower power consumption at Computex 2011. TYAN will also provide a live demonstration of the FT77-B7015, a GPU Computing platform that features up to eight NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPU computing processors in a 4U enclosure, at the TYAN booth (#407).

“Cloud Computing has changed the enterprise server landscape,” said Albert Mu, Vice President and General Manager of TYAN Business Unit at Mitac International Corp. “TYAN is now positioned to lead the industry with high-density server solutions that meet the demand for more computing power and lower power consumption – at higher densities.”
High Density Cloud Platforms: TYAN Yellow River Series
The TYAN Yellow River cloud computing solutions offer scalability, reliability, and remote management capability that target web hosting and Internet Portal Data Center (IPDC) applications. The new Yellow River series high-density servers, including YR190-B8028-X2, YR190-B8228-X2 and YR190-B8238, YR290-B7008-X4, YR290-B7018-D2 and YR190-B7018-X2 will be on display at the TYAN booth.

More Capacity Cloud Platforms: TYAN TN Series Products
The cloud storage infrastructure requires flexibility to scale up and quickly respond to ever increasing demands for capacity. In order to meet the requirements of public, private, and hybrid Cloud Computing environments, TYAN developed the TYAN TN70 series. The TN70-B7016 supports two Intel Xeon processor 5500/5600 series, twelve hot-swap 3.5” HDDs, and two internal 2.5” HDDs in a 2U enclosure that delivers greater computing power and more storage capacity.

Less Power Consumption Cloud Platforms: TYAN FM65 Series Micro Server
Following the Micro Module Server Specification, the TYAN FM65 Series Micro Server features eighteen compute nodes in a 4U rack-mount enclosure that is designed for environments that require higher density, lower power consumption, and improved price/performance. The TYAN FM65-B5511 supports eighteen single-processor nodes based on the Intel Xeon Processor E3-1200 series. TYAN also offers the FM65-B8001 that features support for the AMD Opteron 1300 series processor.

The TYAN booth will also feature a demonstration of the FT77-B7015, the GPU Computing platform with eight NVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPU computing processors in a 4U enclosure. Compared to the previous generation FT72-B7015, the advanced FT77-B7015 is equipped with six hot-swap fans and supports up to four 2.5” HDDs to offer higher reliability and system-level redundancy.

Orginal Post: btarunr  
For More Info: TYAN to Showcase

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Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)

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When Po, the clown-eyed, roly-poly kick-ass panda bear hero of Kung Fu Panda 2, goes into his twirly, lightning-limbed fighting mode, he doesn't leave his slightly abashed suburban sweetness behind.
''Yes!'' he says, dispatching a foe, ''Taste the defeat,'' and you can hear the joyous disbelief (did I really just whip that guy's butt?) in the gee-whiz sound of Jack Black, who voices him. It's not hard to see why children love Po, the rare animated hero who's awesome and ridiculous at the same moment. He's like the coolest stuffed animal in the world. But since he became a triumphant member of the Furious Five — Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Viper (Lucy Liu), Mantis (Seth Rogen), and Crane (David Cross) — in 2008's Kung Fu Panda, what's left for him to conquer beyond the next bowl of dumplings?

In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po must now defeat a seething white peacock, Lord Shen (voiced with silvery menace by Gary Oldman), who owns a gigantic cannon he plans to use to put the Furious Five — and, indeed, all of kung fu — out of business. More than that, Po must come to grips with his own repressed memories of the moment that left him an abandoned infant. At times, Kung Fu Panda 2 suggests Bambi redone as an episode of Oprah. Yet it's a more-than-worthy sequel. You'll taste, and savor, the victory through an irresistible gush of ''healing'' tears.

Details Release Date: May 26, 2011;

Rated: PG; Length: 91 Minutes; 

Genres: Action/Adventure, Animation;

With: Jack Black and Angelina Jolie

Distributor: Paramount Pictures

Reviewed by Owen Gleiberman

Movies Link

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HTML5: Changing the browser-URL without refreshing page

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 An often overlooked feature of HTML5 is the new “onpopstate” event.
This new feature offers you a way to change the URL displayed in the browser* through javascript without reloading the page. It will also create a back-button event and you even have a state object you can interact with.
This means you won’t have to use the hash-hack anymore if you want add state to your AJAX-application, and search engines will be able to index your pages too.
So how does it work? Well, it’s fairly simple. In Chrome you write:
window.history.pushState(“object or string”, “Title”, “/new-url”);
Executing this line of code will change the URL to (3rd option). The “Title” string (2nd option) is intended to describe the new state, and will not change the title of the document as one might otherwise expect. The W3 documentation states:
“Titles associated with session history entries need not have any relation with the current title of the Document. The title of a session history entry is intended to explain the state of the document at that point, so that the user can navigate the document’s history.”
So if you want the document’s title to change to match the title of the history entry, you’ll need to write a hook for that (hint: just tie a function to the onpopstate event). Finally, “object or string” (1st option) is a way to pass an object to the state which you can then use to manipulate the page.
You can programmatically invoke the back-function by running:
And you can of course go forward too:
Or even go to a specific history state:
The object you pass as the first option to the pushState function will stay with each state, so if you go back in the history, you’ll get the object for that state. If you need to manipulate a state (instead of creating a new one) you can use:
window.history.replaceState(“object or string”, “Title”, “/another-new-url”);
Note that while this will change the URL of the page, it will not allow the user to click the back-button to go back to the previous state because you’re replacing the current state, not adding a new one. So, this is the correct behaviour.
Personally, I think the URL should be the first parameter and then the two other options should be optional. Regardless, this feature will certainly come in handy when working with AJAX- and Flash-applications that need state (read: bookmarkable pages and back-button support). Anyone looking to make their Flash- or AJAX-application indexable by search engines so they will get better raking in Google and the likes, should also have a look at this new feature.
The most prominent implementation of this HTML5-feature that I’ve seen is in the new Flickr layout. Here’s an example page (remember to enable the new layout if you haven’t already). Now, if you’re using the latest version of Chrome or Safari and click one of the sets, e.g. “Strobist”, it will slide open and the URL will change but you’ll notice that the page doesn’t reload.
It’s worth noting that Flickr uses replaceState instead of pushState – in other words, they don’t add a back-button event. I’m guessing they feel that switching back and forth between opened/closed sets is too small a change for a back-button event (I’d certainly agree with them on that decision), so instead they just replace the URL so if you copy/paste the link to a friend, they’ll see the exact same page that you did.
Another interesting thing is how Flickr still use the old hash-hack as a fallback if you’re running on browsers that don’t support this new HTML5-feature. I predict/hope that a lot of the plugins that help you easily implement the hash-hack will bake this into their core so people with new browsers can start reaping the benefits.
The latest versions of Chrome and Safari already have support for “onpopstate” and Firefox 4 will have support for it as well. Unfortunately, it seems like IE9 won’t be supporting this feature if we are to believe this Wikipedia article (“Trident” is IE’s layout engine).
Check out the W3 specification for more info.
* For security reasons, you can only change the path of the URL, not the domain itself. So you can change anything in the URL after[change-the-stuff-here.html].

By Jamie Appleseed 
Fore More Info :  HTML 5  

More aboutHTML5: Changing the browser-URL without refreshing page

What to do if asm/errno.h asm/ioctls.h and others are not found anymore in Ubuntu or Debian

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It turns out you need to now install gcc-multilib. It's not clear why yet. A bug is already filed, but he maintainers seem to see no problem in suddenly changing this behavior...

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荷蘭 人體大廈

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荷蘭 人體大廈

剛剛落成不久的荷蘭人體大廈,位於海牙郊區,由荷蘭的Reco Productions International BV建築事務所設計,建築師巧妙的構思,把藝術家德里德爾(Ridder)所創作的一尊三十五公尺高的人體坐像,大膽地跟建築物結合起來,讓人一見就印象深刻。




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