Google and AOL offering a service to send messages exchanged between the two services

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, May 20, 2011

Decided that all of AOL's and Google's transfer of their partnership in the field of Instant Messaging to a new level through the achievement of full compatibility between AIM and Google Talk Ji miles.
Where Google announced in her blog entries that each of AOL and Google have both made some changes that will bring about the type of full compatibility. It become possible for users of AIM service chat and send messages to users of Google and vice versa.

Regardless of the service used, any user can send instant messages to anyone who uses AIM, whether it be through Google Talk or Gmail or iGoogle, or Orkut. And it will appear to users of Gmail message asking them to add friends in AIM directly to Gtalk.
And that it become possible for users to add contacts to AIM to Gmail, Google has deleted the ability to log through AIM. Which would be a problem for Google users who have many points of contact AIM on Gmail. To resolve this problem, AOL has developed a tool that helps to add AIM contacts to Gmail quickly. And users must add the @ at the end of the contact name when you add GPL miles.
It should be noted that users of Gmail service was able to access the AIM account via Google Talk since 2007, while not able to AIM users to send messages to Google Talk, and vice versa which limited the benefit to include AIM in Gmail.
May not affect these changes on Almstkhmon immediately, but significant changes that will help to bring together users of both Google and AOL, which helps to entering strongly in the fierce competition, especially in light of the spread and growth of the service FbChat and Skype, which hit the number of users to 500 million users .

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