MONTHLY HEADER #67: Robh Ruppel

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, January 31, 2011

Beautiful work by Robh. Buy his book... Aspect Ratio!

Keywords: digital concept spaceship environment matte painting art illustrations design drawing renders by robh ruppel monthly header sixty seven 67 february 2011 meet the robinsons brother bear disney art director uncharted 2
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Beware of Attacks Ramnit Computer Virus

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After some horrendous virus like Stuxnet, Sality, Virut and Shortcut, there are now Ramnit that is equally sophisticated. This malicious program is able to 'cooperate' with other viruses to infect the victim.

Yes that's the uniqueness Ramnit compared with other viruses. After infect the victim computer, these malicious programs will download variants of other viruses.

And even more confusing,
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Wallets Anti-pickpocket, Equipped Bluetooth and Sensor

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You want the contents of his wallet to get extra security, might be interested in this wallet. With the addition of Bluetooth and a fingerprint sensor, Dunhill wallet was to protect its contents so that other people do not easily retrieved.

Reported by PC World and quoted on Tuesday (01/02/2011), Dunhill wallet biometric security features built into the carbon fiber casing. So the only owners
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Discuss Sony's Next Generation Portable Features

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Sony finally revealed details of their newest gaming console called the Next Generation Portable (NGP). Let's try a little review one by one feature in it.

According to the official specs released, NGP does seem more sophisticated than other products in its class. Starting from the use of a large screen, high resolution, until the innards of the top.

In terms of hardware, NGP carrying the
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Defeating Symbian, Android becomes Top OS

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Android finally managed to beat the Symbian OS and become number one in the realm of mobile phone world. This was after in the fourth quarter of 2010, the invasion successfully defeating supply Android phones Symbian phones.

Based on the quoted Canalys data, on Tuesday (02/1/2011), Android phone shipments in the fourth quarter 2010 exceeded 32.9 million units. While Symbian handset only reached
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Here are 10 Android 3.0 Honeycomb Latest Features

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Google has just released the Android 3.0 SDK from the Honeycomb is intended for developers / programmers of software. Although not yet released to the public but with the SDK it can give an idea about the ability of a mobile OS that is optimized for this tablet.

Here are 10 new features in the OS with a blue bee picture this.
There is a 3-dimensional graphics effect that can work smoothly
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4 Products New Android Samsung: Ace Galaxy, Fit, Gio, and Mini Announced

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Samsung has announced four new phones coming to the Galaxy family, mobile phones include Samsung Ace Galaxy, Galaxy Fit, Gio Galaxy, and Galaxy Mini. All this phone has a different design and has been adapted to the needs of each user. All of the new Android phone is expected to reach a wider market.Samsung Galaxy Ace Specification*Android 2.2 Froyo*3.5-inch HVGA TFT display*800MHz processor*5-
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iPad 2 will come with Dual-Core Processor 1.2 GHz?

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Following previous rumors that mentions that the iPad next generation will be found out dual-core graphics card, this time it appears the rumors about the processor speed of the latest Apple tablet device that.

As information is quoted from Ubergizmo on Monday (31 / 1), although some time ago Apple has confirmed the type of processor and graphics card that will be used on the iPad next
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Lenovo IdeaPad U260 -12.5-inch ultraportable notebook

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Here goes netbook for the consumer segment. Included in the series U IdeaPad, Lenovo IdeaPad U260 presents. Portable notebook comes with 12.5-inch screen with 16:9 widescreen dimension in 12-inch form factor. It looks luxurious thanks to the metal magnesium-alloy cover, patterned leather palm rest and touchpad made of glass. Designed for consumers with stylish, U260 Series highlight the luxurious
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Most Beautiful Pakistani girls hot photo collection - 09864………

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The Pakistani girls, especially those from the Indus valley (that’s Punjab, Sindh and Hazara), have a wheatish or olive complexion that is usually considered very sexy by most men.
On the other hand, have a distinctly middle Eastern look about them taht is again a unique feature in South Asia. These unique looks are partly to account for the increasing popularity of Pakistani girls especially those of South Asia.Pakistani girls usually tend to get married early, often in their teens. However, more and more Pakistani girls are now staving off family pressure to delay marriage, often into their late twenties and thirties as is now commonplace.

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Sony - Official Reveals Successor PlayStation Portable

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The latest generation PlayStation Portable (PSP) has long talked about, but now Sony has dared to show off the product. Starting from the form, features, until the specification was released a full game console.

The features brought by this second-generation PSP is not different from previously circulating rumors. For example, OLED screen with higher resolution than the PSP or even a more
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Specifications BlackBerry Monaco, Montana, Sedona, and Malibu

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, January 30, 2011

Latest BlackBerry that reportedly will have a famous name BlackBerry Monaco, Montana, Sedona, and Malibu mentioned will become a mainstay of Research In Motion (RIM) in 2011. Like what about the technical specifications of the fourth gadget?

Indeed, in addition to Monaco, Montana, Sedona and Malibu, RIM's business roadmap for 2011 which was also leaked the name of the BlackBerry Curve 9330 and
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New BlackBerry 2011: Montana, Monaco, Sedona, & Malibu?

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Business Roadmap in 2011 which allegedly belong to Research In Motion (RIM) was leaked on the internet. In a highly confidential document that should be clearly visible row of the BlackBerry what a company is ready to be released yesterday had polemics with the government of Indonesia.

Quoted from CrackBerry, Monday (01/31/2011), in drawing the roadmap there are 6 which device is ready to be
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Sony Handheld Console - Same with the PS3?

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Sony has just introduced a new gaming device is called the Next Generation Portable (NGP). That said, the handheld console is capable of displaying graphics quality equivalent to the PlayStation 3 (PS3).

This was further confirmed by greeting Hideo Kojima, one of the important figures in the video game industry who say that the NGP can play PS3 games. So, how might these handheld console can
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Concept spaceships by Michal Lisowski

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Tons of art over at

Keywords: digital spaceship concept art by michal lisowski living in wrsaw Poland employed as a concept artist at orkafilm studio clients and brands like b-win mtv bakoma orlen orange era play kin der skoda sarefour solaris publishing kodex3 zywiec biedronka nescafe lotos pko pzu tuc winiary aviva
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Millions of Windows Mobile 7 Start Marketed

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Microsoft has sent approximately two million units of mobile phones based on Windows 7 Phone operators to all partners. But no mention of how many phones that have been absorbed scattered consumers.

Microsoft Senior Product Manager Greg Sullivan said, the cycle of Microsoft's Windows 7 Phone is still in its early stages. However, he claimed, the people who are trying out Windows 7 Phone mobile
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Most beautyful girl in the world photo gallery....3243..........

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, January 28, 2011

The standard feminist take on beauty pageants in this intriguing look at a hotly contested but enduringly popular American ritual. She focuses on its claim to be an accurate representation of the diversity of contemporary American women. Exploring the cultural constructions and legitimations that go on during the long process of the pageant, Banet-Weiser depicts the beauty pageant stage as a place where concerns about national identity, cultural hopes and desires, and anxieties about race and gender are crystallized and condensed. The beauty pageant, she convincingly demonstrates.

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The best processor for the January 2011 edition of Game Toms version

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Top is  the Core i7 and Core i5 latest 
Toms released another report test results the best processor for gaming edition January 2011. Not surprisingly, the Core i7 series processors Intel Core i5 2600 and 2500 occupied the top position. This time there was no AMD processors in the highest position.
Line 2 is only occupied by a series of Core i 3 digits and the remaining 1 processors AMD Phenom X4
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Cyber Crimes eclipsed Non-Windows Systems

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A recent report by the Cisco 2010 Annual Security Report released today highlights that cyber crime is now overshadowing the PC non-Windows operating system including smartphones, tablet PCs, and mobile.

Arthur Siahaan, Engineer Director, Cisco Systems Indonesia, said that if previous users feel safe using non-Windows operating system, now they should begin to be wary.

"Now is no longer safe.
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Concept spaceship environment by Fred Gambino.

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Our friend Fred messing around with the Mandelbulb plug in for photoshop.

Keywords: digital concept spaceship environment art by concept artist fred gambino space corral mandelbulb fractal filter for photoshop mandelbrot fractal shape that yields elaborate detail forever no matter how far you zoom into it
More aboutConcept spaceship environment by Fred Gambino.

Linux - LibreOffice 3.3 Released

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Development team who 'defected' from the recently released OpenOffice office suite based on open source and free, namely LibreOffice 3.3.

After leaving the OpenOffice development team, some developers are then established LibreOffice. Departure of the developers was triggered by acquisitions made by Oracle to OpenOffice.

The 'dissident' is felt that this acquisition could make OpenOffice is
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Internet 4G Download Video 700mb in 9.3 Seconds

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South Korea successfully developed the fourth generation mobile telecommunications system (4G)-based Long Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced, which was claimed first in the world. Claimed super speed.

South Korea's Ministry of Economy stated that state-owned institution, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), has successfully tested LTE-Advanced systems outside the laboratory.
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Concept ships by Kevin Mowrer

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Kevin Mowrer art. Robots and vehicles too!

Keywords: steampunk concept spaceship art meta-story creator consultant and lecturer emmy and gemini award winning producer writer artist illustrator designer kevin mowrer with a long history of meta-story development of big worldwide franchise stories for mass-market multi-media intellectual properties
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Prostatakrebs Heilungschancen

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Hormontherapie bei Prostatakrebs - Heilungschancen

Eine Standardtherapie des Prostatakrebs im fortgeschrittenen Stadium besteht darin, die Produktion männlicher Sexualhormone zu unterdrücken.
Die Nebenwirkungen dieser Therapie sind nicht ohne - nun hat man ein weiteres Risiko erkannt, welches diese Therapie als Standard fragwürdig macht und dadurch unter dem Strich die Prostatakrebs Heilungschancen mit Vorsicht zu sehen sind !

Ein internationales Forscherteam hat durch statistische Erhebungen herausgefunden dass das Darmkrebsrisiko durch eine Hormontherapie um 30 bis 40 Prozent steigt. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit war umso höher, je länger die Therapie dauerte. Dieses Wissen könne die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine solche Hormonbehandlung stark beeinflussen, schreiben die Wissenschaftler um Silke Gillessen vom Kantonsspital St. Gallen im Fachmagazin "Journal of the National Cancer Institute".

Für ihre Studie untersuchten die Mediziner die Krankheitsgeschichte von 107 859 Männern über 67 Jahren, die zwischen 1993 und 2002 die Diagnose Prostatakrebs erhalten hatten. Die Daten stammten aus der Datenbank des US-amerikanischen Krebsforschungszentrums, dem "National Cancer Institute". Nachdem die Forscher mögliche Störfaktoren wie das Alter und den sozioökonomischen Status der Betroffenen herausgerechnet hatten, ergab sich folgendes Bild: Diejenigen Patienten, deren Testosteronspiegel gezielt gesenkt worden war, hatten ein um 30 bis 40 Prozent erhöhtes Darmkrebsrisiko und somit sinken automatisch die Prostatakrebs Heilungschancen !

Die Hormontherapie ist in der Behandlung von Prostatakrebs eine gängige Methode. Sie hemmt die Bildung von Testosteron und anderen männlichen Sexualhormonen. Dies verzögert das Tumorwachstum in der Prostata oder bringt es sogar ganz zum Stillstand. Bis die sogenannte Androgen-Deprivationstherapie medikamentös ausgereift war, entfernten Ärzte den Patienten häufig die Hoden. Heute nehmen die Betroffenen stattdessen meist sogenannte Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormone (GnRH) ein, die sie sozusagen chemisch kastrieren. Diese Therapieform ist umstritten: Mehrere wissenschaftliche Studien konnten keine Verlängerung der Überlebenszeit nachweisen. Zudem können in Folge des veränderten Hormonhaushalts diverse Nebenwirkungen auftreten, etwa Osteoporose, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Diabetes. Was haben nun die Patienten davon wenn das Tumorwachstum unter Umständen gestoppt wird , aber durch die Therapie ansich , insgesamt die Prostatakrebs Heilungschancen mit Riskiken behaftet sind ?! Alternative Therapien und Infos zu der Krebsart findet man bei Biokrebs !
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ONE WORLD DAY - A Day of Health & Sustainability

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ONE WORLD DAY - November 1st Make a Difference!: Help make a difference to the world by encouraging people to eat more healthily and sustainably. Start now, change lives, don't keep it to yourself.

One World Day  - Plantarian - The road to sustainability and health

 Plantarians have taken the healthiest and most sustainable bits of vegetarian and veganism to clear a simple pathway through the jungle to a lifestyle of optimum health and sustainability. 'Harmony and Harmlessness' says
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DisplayLink Make iPad As Second Monitor on PC

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JUN89ZD6TJB5 DisplayLink has announced the existence of a new application to be installed on the iPad where this application will make your iPad a second monitor for your PC computer.

This is not the first application for presenting such a model, but this being the first for DisplayLink and also what makes Apple iPad iPad device as a second monitor for your Windows computer.

With this
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8 Mobile is Changing the World

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some mobile phones are considered to present its own milestone. Here are 8 mobile phones that are considered to change the world with the privileges of each of its era, quoted from TechRadar, Thursday (27/01/2011):

1. Nokia 1011 (1992)

Nokia 1011 handset is listed as the world's first GSM commercial. His form has been quite 'handsome' and so inspiring the next mobile phone. It weighed 479
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Samsung Released the 4th New Galaxy Mobile

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Samsung officially introduced four new members in the line of the Galaxy. They are Ace Galaxy, Galaxy Fit, Galaxy and Galaxy Mini Gio. Different from previous news, the Galaxy Mini with Galaxy Ace turned out to be different products.

The four handset running Android Froyo aka version 2.2. By launching four ammunition at once, Samsung hopes consumers have more choices in the Galaxy line.

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Protect Company Data for Risk Anticipation

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The protection of data and corporate assets is considered very important in anticipating the risk. For that, we need a reliable replacement facilities at the corporate data center to crash or malfunction that may interfere with the course of business. 

Facilities replacement or back-up from the data center known as the Disaster Recovery Center (DRC). According to Bayu Adi Pramod Data Center
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HTC Reveals Tablet 7 and 10 inches Specifications for 2011

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One brochure talks htc has become a scene in the realm of the Internet lately, which revealed the existence of a tablet device from HTC. Who has accidentally leaked the specs of the device is quite impressive. The image you see above is a mockup of the HTC tablet device, but through the brochure has revealed the following specifications:       * 7-inch, 1024 × 600 resolution screen (identical to
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Verizon Releases Update - BlackBerry OS 6 To Curve 9330 and Bold 9650 3G

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This may be good news for those mobile users and 3G BlackBerry Curve 9330 BlackBerry Bold 9650 that uses the CDMA network because Verizon will issue an update to the BlackBerry device to OS 6.0.

Updates available for corporate users and a link will be available at 20:00 ET today, for users in Indonesia, may be able to download the OS is on the link below:


     * BlackBerry Bold 9650 OS 6.0
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Ubuntu Linux Installed In Mobile Nexus S

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Humans are creatures homoludens, creatures play, so they never cease to innovate, this is done by the people at XDA forum Fevelopers to change their gadgets for work than usual.

Recently one of XDA-Developers named stroughtonsmith - or Steven Troughton-Smith who previously had managed to fit the OS on the device Nexus S MeeGo now he has managed to insert the Ubuntu Linux operating system in the
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Playbook Will Have 4000 Applications With A More Durable Battery From IPAD

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RIM is slowly but surely have allowed information about the Playbook and gradually pushed it would reveal the existence of the Playbook more detail about the existence of a tablet device, which is planned to be released to the market this quarter.

Reuters has had the opportunity to interview Jeff McDowell, RIM's senior vice president for marketing and business platform, where he has brushed
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T-Mobile Released Dell Streak 7 and S 4G Galaxy February March Following LG Slate

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Most likely you will be able to have your first opportunity with devices at Motorola Xoom Honeycomb next month, but LG G-sSlate for T-Mobile - which probably will become an excellent tool to be 3D-enabled devices - will be present shortly after this .

According to the information we get from TmoNews today, the launch of LG G-Slate will be on March 23, at a price not yet known, but they will
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Rumors About the Features of BlackBerry Messenger 6

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Many great things have been happening lately in the world BlackBerry, the first is the convening of DEVCON Asia, then there are details about the existence of OS 6.1, then the new Facebook application has been leaking through the OS 6.0 update for 9700, and preparation RIM with tablet device Playbook who will use the system QNX

And now we have just received information on the leaked BlackBerry
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Toshiba - Tablet Device Launches Ready To Compete IPAD

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