Disabling Touchpad on Demand

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, October 31, 2008

There's now an alternative to using the shared memory of the synaptic driver to enable and disable the touchpad:

xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Off" 8 1 (enable)
xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Off" 8 0 (disable)

This should work out of the box in Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid). But it doesn't. At least not for me. But this works for me:

xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Off" 8 0
xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Off" 8 1

Nice! :)

More aboutDisabling Touchpad on Demand

Tenjin Hidetaka art works of Macross Valkyries

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Amazing book featuring Japanese artist Tenjin Hidetaka. That is seriously some of the best aircraft art I've ever seen. Happy Halloween!

Tenjin Hidetaka conceptships weekly header #33 October 31st - November 7th, 2008

Keywords: japanese concept transforming vehicle valkyrie designs from by Tenjin Hidetaka art works of Macross Valkyries illustrated book american adaptation by carl macek robotech the macross saga harmony gold
More aboutTenjin Hidetaka art works of Macross Valkyries

Hier konkret!

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Hier konkret!
Warum verstehen die Menschen die einfachen Dinge für ein gesundes Leben so schwer ? Eine Antwort liegt darin, daß bestimmte Interessensgruppen mit einem enormen Machteinfluß gar kein Interesse daran haben. Der Pharmabranche, als einer Investmentbranche, geht es wohl kaum darum das Thema der vorbeugenden Gesundheit in ihre Profitstrategien einzubinden.

Das gleiche Spiel läuft in der Food Industrie ab, die mit der Pharmaindustrie Hand in Hand arbeitet und deren Aktien wechselseitig im anderen Konzern stecken.

Gesundbleiben ist ein Informationsproblem!

Pharma Mafia - Frontal21

Chemische Stoffe bekämpfen das Symptom, nicht die Ursachen!

Menschen bei Maischberger
Der betrogene Patient

Das Buch

Der betrogene Patient: Machen Medikamente krank?

Es gibt auf dieser Welt zwei Dinge: Wachsen oder Welken.
Und es gibt noch zwei Dinge: Dünger oder Gift.

"Die meisten Menschen sterben an i h r e n M e d i k a m e n t e n und nicht an ihren Krankheiten."
Molière, Jean ( 1622 - 1673 )

Wise Guys-Aber sonst Gesund

"Wenn jemand Gesundheit sucht, frage erst, ob er bereit ist, künftighin die Ursachen der Krankheit zu meiden, erst dann darfst du ihm helfen."
Sokrates (um 470-399 v. Chr.)

Informationen zu Lebensmittelzusatzstoffen
Das ist Landesterrorismus, sagte (auch) eine Ärztin.

Psychomacht, Geistesmacht

Das Pharma-Kartell

Wie Patienten betrogen werden

Insider erheben Vorwürfe gegen eine Milliardenindustrie.

Gefährliche Nebenwirkungen verschwiegen?

Gefährliche Pillencocktails

Gefährliche Medikamente

Schwere Nebenwirlungen bei ADHS-Arznei

Verschwendungvon Milliarden

Pharmakologe: Zu viele teure oder unwirksame Medikamente verordnet



Fragen Sie NICHT (nur) Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker, die wollen (nur) Nebenwirkungen verhökern!


Garantiert mehr Lebensqualität:
Egal, was hier steht, Sie wollen etwas ändern?
Unsere Lösung, auch wenn es NICHT GLEICH verständlich ist ..., ist ganz einfach, Zahnbürste/Lotion bestellen im Gesundheitsshop und weitere Infos bei Job Gesundheit Freizeit und Unterstützung von uns anfordern!


Videofilm: Gesundheitshinweise
Fragen zur Anwendung und Selbsthilfe beantwortet unser internes Gesundheitsnetzwerk.

Positives Feedback
zu http://jobwegweiser.info/

More aboutHier konkret!

How To Clean Resin Patio Furniture

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Clean Resin Patio FurnitureCleaning resin patio furniture doesn't have to be a huge chore. If your outdoor resin furniture has stains, mold or is just plain weather-beaten you can have it looking fantastic again in no time at all. While there are many products made specifically for cleaning resin outdoor furniture you can use a few simple household chemicals to get the job done frugally.
More aboutHow To Clean Resin Patio Furniture

Concept ships by Bruno Werneck

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Bruno's website.

Keywords: concept artist from rio de janeiro working at midway games bruno werneck concept spaceship art designs filmpaint.com
More aboutConcept ships by Bruno Werneck

Workaround for Screen Flickering in Kubuntu 8.10

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Okay, I've got a dirty hack for now to work around the flicker problem in Kubuntu 8.10. You can edit /usr/bin/startkde and comment out the line starting ksmserver (kwrapper4 ksmserver).

Then instead write

kwrapper4 krunner &
kwrapper4 plasma &
kwrapper4 kwin

There will be no session management, but also not flickering. I'll let you know when I find a better fix.

Update: Eventually I did find a much better fix. But it doesn't work for KDE 4.2 (yet).

More aboutWorkaround for Screen Flickering in Kubuntu 8.10

Google's Lack of Response to Security Threats

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Google criticized a security researcher for publishing information about a security vulnerability in the android platform. They had no reason and don't do anything to motivate researchers tells us the article at cnet.
More aboutGoogle's Lack of Response to Security Threats

Voting Machines Are Good - Homer Votes

Diposkan oleh Unknown

More aboutVoting Machines Are Good - Homer Votes

How To Make Brown Sugar

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How To Make Brown SugarMany people buy brown sugar at the grocery store, but you can make your own homemade brown sugar with just two simple ingredients:Brown Sugar Ingredients:1 - Cup of Sugar1 - Tablespoon of MolassesPour the sugar into a bowl and drizzle the molasses over the sugar. Mix well. Store in an airtight container or Ziploc bag. Tastes wonderfully delicious. Enjoy!
More aboutHow To Make Brown Sugar

Concept ship designs from Motorsports 2025

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Design challenge hosted by Design Los Angeles.

Keywords: concept design challenge from design los angeles as part of the la auto show exhibit automobile design concept ships from audi honda vw volkswagen toyota mercedes-benz mitsubishi motors mazda gm bmw
More aboutConcept ship designs from Motorsports 2025

How To Mix Concrete

Diposkan oleh Unknown

How To Mix ConcreteI've mixed concrete for many projects around the house. For everything from sidewalks to filling post holes. Learning how to mix it really isn't all that hard. For most small projects you can get away with using bags of pre-mixed concrete from your local hardware store. But if you have a really large project like a house slab, you'll need to have concrete hauled in on a
More aboutHow To Mix Concrete

Arora - A Webkit Browser

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Today I accidentally stumbled about Arora, another simple webkit based browser. And I'm very pleased. It's quite fast, renders webpages without errors, is google-mail, etc. compatible, and has a basic interface that's very similar to Firefox(tm).

That's getting pretty close to a cross-plattform Safari in my opinion. In comparison to Chrome it lacks the faster javascript engine and the multi-threaded multi-process approach, which causes it to slow down a bit with many tabs open. A private browsing feature is included.

But I think it's lean, but a true alternative and I'm writing this blog post in it - without any issues. I've tested version 0.4 in Ubuntu 8.10.
More aboutArora - A Webkit Browser

Apt-Get Tipps

Diposkan oleh Unknown

TuxArena put up a nice summary of some useful apt-get commands.

I have to correct them in one point: For dpkg -L to work, the package needs to be installed already.

I also have a few extra ones:

  • apt-cache search (search packages)
  • apt-cache show (show full package description)
  • apt-cache policy (show available package versions)
  • apt-cache depends (show package dependencies)
  • dpkg -P (remove package completely, that means also configuration etc.)
  • dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low (reconfigure package, show all options)
More aboutApt-Get Tipps

Anthony Colard concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Anthony's Car design news portfolio.

Keywords: preparing a master in transportation and space design for 2009 concept designer anthony colard concept ship art car design news .com portfolio french student designer in transportation design
More aboutAnthony Colard concept ships

Free CrossOver - Today Only!

Diposkan oleh Unknown

You can download full versions of CrossOver Linux and Mac for free from their webpage today!
More aboutFree CrossOver - Today Only!

How To Make Egg Omelets - Easy Omelet Recipe

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, October 27, 2008

How To Make Egg Omelets - Easy Omelet RecipeIf you've always wanted to learn how to make an easy omelet, now you can. No skillet involved. Just a couple of eggs, a Ziploc bag and whatever omelet fillings you desire. You can even make a homemade egg and cheese omelet within minutes with this easy recipe. Let's get started!Single Serving Egg Omelet Recipe1-2 eggs1-Ziploc bag1-pot of boiling
More aboutHow To Make Egg Omelets - Easy Omelet Recipe

Ubuntu 8.10 No-Go for Dual Head

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Don't upgrade your Ubuntu to 8.10 if you want to use a dual head setup. There second screen will reguarly turn off for a second while there is an edid ddc scan shown in the Xorg.log. (The bug is not really fixed or fix not in main repository yet. Or I've found a different one. -> It's still not working!)

And the whole system will stutter during that time. That makes video playback very annoyingly slow and usage an external monitor impossible. I'll let you know when I find a fix.

More aboutUbuntu 8.10 No-Go for Dual Head

Concept ship sketches by Mikko Kinnunen

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Mikko's website.

Keywords: bioware edmonton entertainment visual concept artist Mikko Kinnunen concept vehicle spaceship art concept ships artbymikko.com
More aboutConcept ship sketches by Mikko Kinnunen

Ubuntu Getting Slower

Diposkan oleh Unknown

After upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10 (release candidate), I've recently noticed stuttering in video playback. That might very well also be related to my using the intel 2.5.0 xorg driver. But Phoronix now made a correct examination and found out Ubuntu is getting slower and slower since 7.04.

Complexity or just bad programming? Is it related to the kernels gettings worse and if so, is that related to the Ubuntu patches or the vanilla kernel? I'm curious for hopefully following explanations.

More aboutUbuntu Getting Slower

Vegans Answers for Optimum Nutrition?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

World Vegan DayVegans May Have Answers to Optimum Nutrition Says Leading Nutritionist, Yvonne Bishop-Weston

Metabolic Inflamation Thwarts Weight Loss

The nutritionist says "researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently revealed in the journal 'Cell' that a diet with too many nutritionally empty calories can lead to metabolic inflammation."

Metabolic inflammation is a chronic, low-grade condition consisting of inflammatory-like responses at the molecular level. It’s thought it has many consequences including causing cellular dysfunction, which can decrease the regulation of several physiological processes, including metabolism. Metabolic inflammation may also be at the core of many chronic, obesity-related metabolic disorders that are so common today.

"In these days of food shortages, nutrient deficiencies, water shortages, energy shortages, environmental devastation, overpopulation and an epidemic of preventable chronic disease it’s even more vitally important that we choose our calories carefully than when Donald Watson first raised these issues 64 years ago when he founded veganism" says Bishop-Weston.

Bishop-Weston goes on to urge us to reduce the amount of calories we in the west soak up from eating nutrient stripped ‘white carbohydrates’ from foods such as white pasta, white bread, processed white rice, cakes biscuits and sugar. She says these are the most likely calories stored as body fat. As the body stores toxins in fat you need to be quite clever to coax your body to break that fat down again.

Weight Loss Diets - Optimum Nutritionists London
More aboutVegans Answers for Optimum Nutrition?

How To Keep Your Hands Soft When Gardening

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, October 25, 2008

How To Keep Your Hands Soft When GardeningTired of rough hands after digging in the dirt? Not only do goatskin gloves keep your hands clean while gardening, but they're also naturally rich in skin conditioning lanolin. Don't want to go to the expense of buying goatskin gloves, priced reasonably around $10.00 a pair? Just rub on some lanolin lotion before slipping on a pair of your favorite garden
More aboutHow To Keep Your Hands Soft When Gardening

How To Remove a Tick - Tick Bites

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, October 24, 2008

How To Remove a Tick - Tick BitesAlright, first you grab your propane torch and light it and then....no wait!! That's for glazing a ham. If only removing ticks properly were so easy. OK. The first thing you want to do is find the nasty little parasites within 24 hours. There's less chance of the little blood-suckers spreading diseases if found within that time-frame according to FDA Consumer
More aboutHow To Remove a Tick - Tick Bites

How Much Milk Per Day - Source of Calcium

Diposkan oleh Unknown

How Much Milk Per Day - Source of CalciumHow much milk should you really drink per day? No more than 1-2 8 ounce servings of milk per day for a good source of calcium is what most dietitians recommend. Higher daily intakes of milk have been found to lead to prostate cancer. If you're lactose intolerant or milk just isn't your thing, you can eat calcium-rich broccoli and other leafy green
More aboutHow Much Milk Per Day - Source of Calcium

Mode Setting with IntelFB

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Let me begin by stating that the intelfb driver is very old already. And there are issues. Mode setting with "non-CRT" devices usually fails:

intelfb: Non-CRT device is enabled ( LVDS port ). Disabling mode switching.
intelfb: Video mode must be programmed at boot time.

So you need to set the mode very counter-intuitively via the vga kernel commandline. To do that, you need to know the mode. Especially on 64-bit systems the only way to find it out is sudo hwinfo --vbe.

Now you can use a kernel command line like video=intelfb:mode=1280x800 vga=0x0362 and the system should boot with the chosen resolution. Even if you're using a laptop like I am.

This will not work with a kernel earlier than 2.6.28-rc1 from my experience, but maybe you're lucky. If nothing happens, try the newest kernel. And of course feel free to comment in any case. And I think this works only if the intelfb module is compiled-in, not if it's compiled as a module, as it usually is in distribution kernels.

More aboutMode Setting with IntelFB

Trouble Uninstalling a Package?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Sometimes you're trying to install or uninstall a package, but the process aborts, because the installation script fails. I think there was an option in apt-get or dpkg to override this behavior, but for now there's a very simple workaround that will usually help:

Insert a line "exit 0" into the script causing the error. (It then exits "without an error" right away.) At least in init scripts during deinstallation this should not cause too much damage. In my example, the packet tspc failed during upgrade from hardy to intrepid (release candidate).

There were a few packets that didn't upgrade cleanly, about 5 I think. But now everything works pretty well.
More aboutTrouble Uninstalling a Package?

Concept helicopter gunships from Bolt

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Check out this dynamic trailer from Disney's new animated feature film... BOLT.

Bolt conceptships weekly header #32 October 24th - October 31st, 2008

Keywords: walt disney pictures new animated feature 3d film bolt starring john travolta miley cyrus concept helicopter gunships dropping off motorcycle riders chasing girl on scooter and dog bolt animated flash loop sequences opens in theaters november 21 2008
More aboutConcept helicopter gunships from Bolt

Encyclopedia of Life

Diposkan oleh Unknown

A website mapping (or trying to) all life on our cosy little planet Earth. Why go to other planets to find life if you need not go father than your backyard? Out now: eol.org.

Also check out this interview with the founder.
More aboutEncyclopedia of Life

How To Remove Norton Anti-Virus Software

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Remove Norton Anti-Virus SoftwareHow do you get rid of Norton Anti-Virus Software or any other Norton products when you can't remove it through the add/remove programs in the control panel, you ask? Well, many people have problems removing a failed installation or a damaged Norton product. I was recently in the position of removing a damaged Norton Anti-Virus installation from a friend's
More aboutHow To Remove Norton Anti-Virus Software

Concept ships by Marcin Jakubowski

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Marcin's portfolio.

Keywords: concept spaceship train vehicles professional illustrator marcin jakubowski living in poland a.k.a. balloontree.com
More aboutConcept ships by Marcin Jakubowski

Flash 10 in Ubuntu 64 Bit

Diposkan oleh Unknown

There's a nice little script that does the entire installation automatically. Worked great for me. Make sure you check the contents of the script, it's not a lot. And when you run a script as super-user you should always do that. Then do sudo bash flash10_en.sh.
More aboutFlash 10 in Ubuntu 64 Bit

World Vegan Day Health Appeal to Pasta Pizza Hut Restaurants by Nutritionists

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, October 22, 2008

healthy pizzaWorld Vegan Day Health Appeal to Pasta Pizza Hut Restaurants by Nutritionists

Pizza Hut apparently plan to change their name to Pasta Hut causing millions of American children to have to relearn that dreadful summer camp song "Pizza Hut, Pizza hut, Kentucky fried chicken and a Pizza Hut!"

“It’s not more nutrient depleted carbohydrates we need its more fruit and vegetables!” says Yvonne Bishop-Weston London Nutritionist from Foods for Life in response to Pizza Hut's Pasta plans.
More aboutWorld Vegan Day Health Appeal to Pasta Pizza Hut Restaurants by Nutritionists

SketchUp concept ship model by Mack Sztaba

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Mack Sztaba's website.

Keywords: 3d three dimensional model using google sketchup sketch up drafted by mack sztaba mackart.ca
More aboutSketchUp concept ship model by Mack Sztaba

Industrial motion art concept spaceship clip

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Check out this demo reel from Industrial motion art.

Keywords: (IMA) INDUSTRIAL-MOTION-ART post production visual effects services for film advertising computer animations photo realistic cgi visualizations and digital effects circular rotary spaceship composite over lake in misty snow capped mountains
More aboutIndustrial motion art concept spaceship clip

20 'functional foods' for a long life

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, October 20, 2008

Revealed: The 20 functional foods you should be eating for a long and active life | Mail Online

20 types of food and drink have been identified by Gary Williamson, professor of 'functional foods' at Leeds University, and he recommends that we should all make them part of our diets.

20 foods

He claims the 20 superfoods are: Apples, blackberries, black tea, blueberries, broccoli, cereal bran, cherries, cherry tomatoes, coffee, cranberries, dark chocolate, green tea, oranges, peaches, plums, raspberries, red grapes, red onions, spinach, strawberries.

London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston says "Most of the things on this list will enhance your life. From our work on fertility in our clinics we find that the caffienne in Black tea and especially in coffee probably outweighs any net health benefit, green tea perhaps just about gets away with it but I think you are better off without coffee. Cereal bran is a bit too ambiguous to be on the list - it would have been better to call the category whole grains lest people fill up on Allbran or wheat bran and think they are protecting their health.

Notably missing from this list are foods rich in essential omega 3 fats such as hemp seeds, flax seeds, rape seeds and their cold pressed virgin oils that are needed to protect the integrity of every cell in your body."
More about20 'functional foods' for a long life

Automatic Monitor Brightness Control

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Why isn't there a software that controls your monitor's brightness level automatically. E.g. if you have a webcam, you could use it to detect the current amount of light in the room. If you don't have a webcam, you could use the current time.
More aboutAutomatic Monitor Brightness Control

Eric Robison on concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I'm meeting so many amazing artists (at least through email) with this conceptships blog that it's making me think that this was a good idea:}

Check out Eric Robison's artwork.

Keywords: renowned disney artist painter and creative director of crazy shirts in hawaii eric robison's college technical concept art
More aboutEric Robison on concept ships

Stem Cells Used to Make Breasts

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, October 19, 2008

breast cancer new natural breasts - picture IFATS Series: FGF-2-induced HGF Secretion By Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Inhibits Post-Injury Fibrogenesis Through A JNK-Dependent Mechanism -- Suga et al., 10.1634/stemcells.2008-0261 -- Stem Cells

Dr Kotaro Yoshimura at the Department of Plastic Surgery, Tokyo University Japan has created new breast tissue from stem cells. It's hoped this could provide an important development for women who have had their breasts removed due to breast cancer. Cynics believe it will just fuel a new craze for a healthier alternative to silicon for a more natural small breasts enhancement.

"This is undoubtably very reassuring" says Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston "but personally I prefer to work on prevention to reduce implicated toxins and checking for a balanced hormone levels to reduce the risks of breast cancer through optimum nutrition"
More aboutStem Cells Used to Make Breasts

Canon Printer Problem "pstocanonij write error,32" Solved

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I just had the error message

"pstocanonij write error,32."

when trying to print something with the Original Canon Printer Driver and my MP610. It turned out I needed to cancel the job. I printed a test page and then I printed the same thing again and it worked just fine. Sometimes it hangs up and I have to turn if off and on again.

But I still have no idea why he's cleaning his inks several times a day currently...


The error comes up more and more often now and I haven't found a real fix yet. It might be related to certain settings. The printer prints one page and then stops printing.


You can either use a different driver (e.g. the gutenprint one), or it may be an incorrect page border setting. In my experience, changing the page border settings back to their original settings (31,75mm) fixed the problems. You may have to reboot your computer and turn the printer off and on again for it to work again.

It might also be that your /tmp directory is full. This happens especially when you're using the special tmpfs on that directory, as some distributions automatically do. Or, of course, if you're main partition is out of space.
More aboutCanon Printer Problem "pstocanonij write error,32" Solved

Jabba's palace on concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, October 17, 2008

Here is a little break from all of the tech ship art with a little scene of Jabba's palace from Return of the Jedi.

Keywords: giant toad frog outside of jabba's palace on tatooine animated flash loop matte paint from star wars return of the jedi
More aboutJabba's palace on concept ships

Mixed Static and Shared Library Linking with GCC

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, October 16, 2008

If you want to link some libraries statically and other dynamically you can use these switches:

-Wl,-Bstatic -lsomelibstatically -Wl,-Bdynamic -lotherlibshared

If you just want to compile it all statically, use LDFLAGS="-static".

More aboutMixed Static and Shared Library Linking with GCC

Dillo 2.0 for AMD64

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I've compiled Dillo 2.0 for Ubuntu amd64 (or "intel64") and packed with upx. It should work with other amd64 distributions as well. It does not need fltk 2.0, it's statically linked. Ssl support is missing. It didn't find my ssl library. The required libraries are:

  linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffde5fe000)

  libjpeg.so.62 => /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.62 (0x0000003e44800000)
  libpng12.so.0 => /usr/lib/libpng12.so.0 (0x0000003e40c00000)
  libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0x0000003e3dc00000)
  libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 (0x0000003e3f800000)
  libXi.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXi.so.6 (0x0000003e41c00000)
  libXinerama.so.1 => /usr/lib/libXinerama.so.1 (0x0000003e44000000)
  libXft.so.2 => /usr/lib/libXft.so.2 (0x0000003e46400000)
  libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x0000003e3d800000)
  libXext.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXext.so.6 (0x0000003e3fc00000)
  libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f6dd6242000)
  libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x0000003e3d400000)
  libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f6dd6033000)
  libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x0000003e3cc00000)
  /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000003e3ba00000)
  libfontconfig.so.1 => /usr/lib/libfontconfig.so.1 (0x0000003e41000000)
  libXrender.so.1 => /usr/lib/libXrender.so.1 (0x0000003e41400000)
  libxcb-xlib.so.0 => /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0 (0x0000003e3ec00000)
  libxcb.so.1 => /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 (0x0000003e3f000000)
  libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x0000003e3d000000)
  libfreetype.so.6 => /usr/lib/libfreetype.so.6 (0x0000003e40400000)
  libXau.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXau.so.6 (0x0000003e3f400000)
  libexpat.so.1 => /usr/lib/libexpat.so.1 (0x0000003e40000000)
  libXdmcp.so.6 => /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6 (0x0000003e3e800000)

Enjoy! ;-)

More aboutDillo 2.0 for AMD64

Dillo Browser 2.0 Out Now!

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Well, if browsers were only about pure speed and size, I guess dillo would always win. It's probably the most minimalist browser for X. And it's blazingly fast. It Opens extremely fast, it loads webpages in amazing speed. And now version 2.0 is out. Unfortunately there are no amd64 packages available, so I had to go and do it myself again. I will put them in a seperate post.

More aboutDillo Browser 2.0 Out Now!

Javascript innovations - How will Opera react?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Until now it seemed Opera was the most innovative Browser out there: Tabs, Browser Sync, "Magic" Input bar, ... Opera had it first, or did it better.

Now Firefox came with their JIT Javascript engine and Chrome added a multi-threaded approach to that and I ask myself: How will Opera react?

In my experience Opera has been pretty good with most webpages and was faster, especially with many web pages at the same time. But it does get laggy then. And especially (Google's) web applications such as Gmail and Google Reader respond pretty slowly in Opera.

I've set up the email account, because I was bothered how long things took in Gmail. And using Firefox was not better, using both is really annoying.

I wish Opera was available with Chrome's innovative new features... Hopefully they're already working on it. And Opera Browser for the Web 2.0.

More aboutJavascript innovations - How will Opera react?

SketchUp concept ship 3D model by Eric Brown

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Keywords: a4 a9 duneskimmer google sketchup technical illustration concept vehicle spaceship model rendered drafted by eric brown
More aboutSketchUp concept ship 3D model by Eric Brown

Speed concept ship sketches from Paul Chadeisson

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PaoYunSoo's art blog.

Keywords: speed paints sketches spaceship vehicle art concept art characters on paoyunsoo blog art by paul chadeisson aka pao
More aboutSpeed concept ship sketches from Paul Chadeisson