Response Source | Press Releases - Brainy Bread Now Affordable With Omega 3 Algae Oil Food Ingredient - Could Save Environment
Omega 3 Brainy Bread, Pasta, cheese and yoghurts could save the planet!
The company that gave us V-Pure, the world's first fish free vegetarian and vegan Docosahexaenoic acid - (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) product has recently bought the rights to a new product that could make products such as 'Brainy Bread' and 'Brainy Pasta' a viable and affordable possibility.
Eau Plus now have a range of Algal Oils and products and have dramatically increased their production capabilities through acquistion of a new European fermentation facility. Other algal oils on the market just contain DHA but V-Pure has both DHA and EPA making it the perfect product to use to manufacture vegan and vegetarian superfoods that will sustainably address the essential fat famine in modern diets.
"This nutrient rich algae food ingredient could transform the food manufacturing industry and at last re-address the balance between easily available foods that contribute to health and foods that leave us with a net nutrient deficit" says London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston.
Eau + also have a new groundbreaking dairy free calcium drink.
See also Nutra Ingredients
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