Kimberly Stewart diagnosed with liver disease

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, November 16, 2006

Update: Rod Stewart is back tracking a little bit but still blaming the Scots. It seems that his daughter only had an 'inflamed liver' and not a liver disease and it was a temporary problem that she has overcome. Big difference there Rod. That's like blaming your British heritage for a drinking problem and not the Scottish side. Oh wait....

Rod Stewart has revealed that his 27-year-old daughter Kimberly has a liver disease due to too much heavy boozing. He goes on to blame her Scottish roots (not Paris Hilton) instead of a lack of parental supervision. Good job Rod, way to fall back on a stereotype. Are the Scottish to blame for your son Sean's battle with the booze also? When she's called cheap for splitting a dinner check at The Ivy are you going to blame the Scots for that too? Does accountability even exist anymore?
Picture by Fernando Allende

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