Uncompressed PDFs in CUPS - A Problem to Go Crazy

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I found no solution. I just wanted to air my frustration that CUPS completely ignores the settings I put into /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf. Hence I can try making better settings all I want, they are completely ignored. If anyone knows a fix, please tell me. I just spend 45 mins on this in vain.
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Gold als ein hochwirksames Arzneimittel

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, November 29, 2010

Gold als ein hochwirksames Arzneimittel

von S. Schneider
Das Element Gold gilt als einer der ältesten Wirkstoffe, die für die menschliche Gesundheit eingesetzt werden. Bereits Paracelsus und die Heilige Hildegard von Bingen empfahlen Gold zur Heilung. Gold hilft Ihnen beispielsweise, bei Stress wieder zur eigenen Mitte zu finden. In besonderen Prozessen aufbereitet und in Arzneimittelrezepturen eingebunden ist das Edelmetall eine therapeutisch hochwirksame Substanz, die den natürlichen Rhythmus von Herz und Kreislauf unterstützt.

Es gibt heute kaum einen Menschen, der nicht in irgendeiner Form unter Stress leidet. Er gehört zum modernen Alltag mit all seinen Anforderungen dazu. Da Sie den Stress in der Regel nicht abschaffen können, müssen Sie sich mit Ihrem Stress arrangieren und einen Umgang mit ihm lernen, der Sie gesund erhält anstatt Sie krank zu machen. Arzneimittel mit potenziertem (nach einem besonderen rhythmischen Verfahren stark „verdünntem") Gold können Ihnen helfen, Ihren eigenen Rhythmus und Ihre natürliche Balance zwischen Anspannung und Entspannung wiederzufinden. Eingesetzt wird solches Gold beispielsweise in der Homöopathie und der Anthroposophischen Medizin in Arzneimitteln gegen Nervosität, Angst- und Unruhezustände, depressive Verstimmungen, Kreislaufregulationsstörungen und bei Herzleiden - kombiniert mit anderen Natursubstanzen. Ein Präparat mit Gold finden Sie beispielsweise in einer arzneilichen Komposition aus Metallen und Mineralstoffen: Kalium phosphoricum, Gold und Ferrum-Quarz (in der UNgesundApotheke als Neurodoron® von Weleda). Diese wirkt körperlich ausgleichend und seelisch stabilisierend.

So wirkt Gold

Durch seinen Bezug zur Sonne, damit zum Licht und zum Herzen spielt Gold in der Anthroposophischen Medizin eine besondere Rolle. Das Edelmetall ist das dichteste der medizinisch verwendeten Metalle, es ist fast doppelt so schwer wie Blei. Gold ist gleichzeitig sehr dehnungsfähig, ein Gramm Gold lässt sich zu einem zwei Kilometer langen Faden ausziehen, ohne dass er reißt. Also sind Dichte und Weite, Konzentration und Ausdehnung im Gold vereint - eine Polarität, die eine Ähnlichkeit zwischen dem Herzen als Organ und dem Gold als Metall erkennen lässt. Diese Verwandtschaft wird in der Anthroposophische Medizin gezielt genutzt - denn Gold kann die Eigenschaft des Herzens, sich zusammenzuziehen und auszudehnen unterstützen und so den natürlichen Rhythmus stabilisieren und regulieren.

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Aktivierung Selbstheilungskräfte

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Jeder Mensch beeinflußt sich tagtäglich in allen möglichen Situationen selbst. Ständig erschaffen wir Gedanken und Gefühle, die uns bestimmen und leiten. Doch leider gehen wir immer wieder gedankenlos , leichtfertig und ungezügelt mit diesen wertvollen Schöpfungskräften um ! Sehr oft fällt es uns viel leichter, schlecht zu denken und uns entsprechend negativ aufgeladen zu fühlen ! Daher ist das mentale Umdenken eine ganz besondere Kraft , die in jedem Menschen vorhanden ist. Man muss diese Energie punktgenau abrufen ! Der Schlüssel dazu ist die Aktivierung. Selbstheilungskräfte sind eine Gabe der Natur.

Wer sich aber seit Jahren als schwach erlebt, hat meist kein Selbstvertrauen mehr. Deshalb gilt es vor allem anderen, dieses Urvertrauen wieder aufzubauen, denn es beschleunigt jeden Heilungsprozeß und unterstützt jede Therapie - in manchen Fällen kann es Arzneien sogar überflüssig machen. Heute weiß die Medizin, daß die Immunlage (die Abwehrkraft) des Menschen maßgeblich von seinem Gemütszustand bestimmt wird.

So schreibt der Arzt Erich Rauch in seinem Buch Autosuggestion und Heilung. Die innere Selbst-Mithilfe
  "Die bewußte Autosuggestion nach Emil Coué ist eine praktische Selbsthilfe-Methode für positive Lebensgestaltung." Sie ist ein einfacher Schlüssel, um die innewohnenden Selbstheilungskräfte zu aktivieren.

Dr. Rauch erzählt von einem Mann, der sich beim Skifahren das Bein so unglücklich brach, daß er operiert werden mußte. Weil er als Kind Rachitis hatte, heilten seine Knochen sehr schlecht. Die Ärzte rechneten mit einem langen Spitalaufenthalt, was den selbständig erwerbenden Patienten in große Existenzängste verfallen ließ. In seiner Verzweiflung schrieb er Rauch einen Brief, worauf dieser antwortete: "Wenn Sie sich so in Ihr Unglück hineinsteigern und zutiefst überzeugt sind, daß Sie keinerlei Heiltendenz besitzen, dann unterstützen Sie durch Ihre negativen Selbstbeeinflussungen eine weitere schlechte Entwicklung! Im Gegensatz dazu sollten Sie durch bewußte zuversichtliche Gedanken, Einstellungen und Worte Ihre inneren Heilkräfte mobilisieren! Sie haben jetzt den ganzen Tag Zeit, sich immer und immer wieder die bestmögliche Heilung Ihres Beines vorzustellen, sich den gesunden Zustand vor Augen zu führen und sich immer wieder laut vorzusagen, daß Sie mit Hilfe Ihrer inneren Heilkräfte schon bald wieder gut gehen werden."

Der Mann beherzigte den ärztlichen Rat, dachte und sprach von früh bis spät nur mehr von baldigem Gesund sein. Schon die nächste Röntgenaufnahme zeigte eine positive Veränderung. Bei der übernächsten Kontrolle meinte der Chirurg gar, daß er bei einem so komplizierten Bruch selten einen so einwandfreien und günstigen Heilverlauf gesehen habe. Eine Woche später - ungewöhnlich früh - konnte der Patient mit einem Gehgips aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen werden.

Die Methode der Autosuggestion durch die bewusste Beeinflussung des Unterbewusstseins geht auf den französischen Apotheker Emile Coue zurück, der mit seiner Methode, die er zeitlebens verfeinert und optimiert hat, tausenfache Heilung, bei teils hoffnungslosen Fällen erreicht hat (sofern es hoffnungslose Fälle überhaupt gibt ) :).
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Arganöl Wirkung und Arganöl kaufen

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Arganöl - kontrolliert biologisch ( Bio Arganöl ) - auch Arganenöl genannt, wird aus den Samenkernen der endemischen Arganie hergestellt. Die Pflanze ist sehr selten und wächst in Marokko . Arganöl hat die optimale Kombination von Fettsäuren und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen. Gutes Bio Arganöl ist kaltgepresst und zudem ungeröstet , darum ist es aus gesundheitlicher Sicht besonders wertvoll . Oft wird Arganöl, oder auch Kürbiskernöl in gerösteter Qualität angeboten, dies mindert jedoch erheblich den gesundheitlichen Nutzen der Öle, da ein Teil wichtiger Vitalstoffe durch den Röstvorgang vernichtet wird. Um 1 Liter Bio Arganöl zu gewinnen werden 30 Kilo Früchte benötigt.

Die Arganie (Argania spinosa" auch Eisenholzbaum genannt) ist ein ca. 25 Millionen Jahre alter Baum , der nur noch in einem kleinen und sehr trockenen Gebiet in Marokko vorkommt. Der Baum ist ein echter Überlebenskünstler und wird von den Einheimischen als "Baum des Lebens" bezeichnet. Nach der Ernte werden die harten handverlesenen Fruchtkerne geknackt. Nur die inneren Mandeln (so groß wie ein Sonnenblumenkern) liefern das wertvolle Arganöl. Wirkung ist gleich Nutzen , denn die Mandeln werden nun ungeröstet in traditionellen Steinmühlen zu einer Paste zerrieben. Hinterher wird die Masse so lange geknetet, bis das reine naturreine Bio Öl abgeschöpft werden kann.

Arganöl Wirkung

Arganöl enthält eine hohe Konzentration an einfach und doppelt ungesättigten Fettsäuren. Gleichzeitig ist es leicht verdaulich, fördert den Stoffwechsel und unterstützt besonders in Kombination mit Leinsamenöl in hervorragender Weise Ihr Immunsystem. Zum Erhitzen ist Arganöl auch geeignet, ohne dass dabei die Fettsäuren zerstört werden. Dies verringert jedoch etwas den gesundheitlichen Wert des Öles. Wenn Sie Arganöl kaufen möchten ist unsere Empfehlung : Arganöl (Arganenöl), kaltgepresst, ungeröstet - kontrolliert biologisch -

Insbesondere das nussige Aroma von Arganöl harmoniert wunderbar mit Salaten und Teigwaren, verfeinert den Geschmack von Fleischgerichten, Fisch oder Schalentieren. Das das Arganenöl sehr ergiebig ist, kann es sparsam verwendet werden.

Eine weitere und sehr effektive Eigenschaft von rohem Arganöl :
Kosmetik und Hautpflege werden auch bereichert, besonders für Gesicht und Halspartie. Es zieht sofort ein und hinterlässt keine Fettspuren wie uns Kunden vielfach berichtet haben.
More aboutArganöl Wirkung und Arganöl kaufen

Auto FX Photo Graphic Edges 7.0 Platinum Edition

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, November 26, 2010

Photo/Graphic Edges 7.0 is a suite of professional software for adding edges, frames and borders to enhance your photos.??The new Platinum Edition now includes an amazing collection of Film frames, darkroom effects, grunge edges, natural media borders, and dozens of other new styles with over a thousand pieces of new creative content. An improved preview and rendering system along with an updated
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Usefulness Version of Windows 7

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Windows 7 Starter Edition:
This version is only offered pre-installed by OEMs (Original Electronic Manufacture). Therefore it will only be available through the OEM channel, on a new PC computers only certain types.

Windows 7 Home Basic:
This version will be provided only to developing countries, where consumers want a Windows version for beginners.

Windows 7 Home Premium:
Windows 7 Home
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Review health professionals Diet IQ Says Nutritionist

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A number of leading human health charities seem to lag behind the current nutrition thinking based on the latest research and studies.

There is no doubt the key to success lies in dramatically increasing the amount of plant foods in our diet. A new film Planeat provides evidence that confirms this.

You don't have to call yourself vegan or vegetarian to be healthy but you should  follow the plant eaters lead to dramatically  reduce the amount of meat and dairy from the level that's found in the average western diet.

"We need to move from a calorie dense diet to a nutrient dense diet. Calorie counting is a smokescreen, if you focus instead on nutrients you'll find yourself feeling more satisfied and less likely to crave food that has absolutely no worthwhile nutritional advantage to offer your body" says London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston.

"We need a review of the way government and health professionals look at food and health - their ambivalence towards nutritional therapy and optimal health is costing the world billions of pounds of public funds as the world gets more obese, more diabetic, more riddled with heart disease, more cancerous"

"I would mention more infertile too but I think they honestly consider that a self limiting solution!"

Planeat the movie provides research and evidence of a plant based dairy free diet that may reverse the effects of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers

This is at odds with Cancer Research UK who allege on their website that "Strict diets such as macrobiotic or vegan diets do not contain dairy or animal products. This can stop you getting enough nutrients for your body to work properly"

Cancer research suggest that "You may become short of calories, vitamins, calcium, protein, and iron"

Planeat provides evidence to support a completely contrary statement "you may become short of life if you eat too much meat and dairy"

Planeat's evidence also contradicts dietary advice from Leading anti cholesterol related disease charity, Heart UK whose 'Best Choices' include Lean pork, ham, lamb, beef. Extra lean minced beef. Liver & kidney FH.Chicken & turkey without skin. Veal,venison, rabbit, game." should be eaten 1-2 times a day dairy should be eaten 2-3 times a day
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Some Early Weakness Windows 7 Phone

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As a new platform, Windows 7 Phone surely has some features that are less than the maximum. When tried, detikINET found some things lacking this OS that is the issue of copy paste, multitasking issues, as well as cameras.
Like the iPhone when first released, Windows 7 Phone also has problems to copy and paste feature. When typing a document via detikINET Office, the file can not be typing it in
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Getting to know Windows 7 Phone - Microsoft Ecosystem IN HAND

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Windows 7 Phone is designed to unify all of Microsoft's ecosystem is in a grip. We can type via Office, send an email via Outlook, enjoy multimedia content with the Zune, play games via Xbox Live and so on. In addition, Microsoft by default uses the Internet Explorer browser and search mesing Bing.
The first is Microsoft Office that comes with a fresh design. WP7 mobile office is indeed still a
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PlayStation phone Launched in February 2011?

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News about the presence of the PlayStation phone increasingly loud sound. Now the mobile phone designed to play games is reportedly slated for release in February 2011 in accordance with the invitation of the press conference that Sony distributed.
In the invitation received one of the sites mentioned that French technology, Sony has prepared a new product launch event. It is said that this is
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Pursue Android & iPhone, Microsoft Attract 15 Thousand Developer

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Smartphone without the application now is like vegetables without salt. No wonder if the vendors try to strengthen themselves in the matter of the application, not least Microsoft is trying hard to promote Windows Phone 7 (WP 7).
Microsoft claims, now or in the early stages, there were 15 thousand developers who create a variety of applications for the WP7. While the number of applications
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Cull China girl latest photo gallery ooo...

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Anyone got any info on this?

If a person is getting ACC, and ACC decided that, as that person could work 30 hours a week they were no longer entitled to ACC, they’d be removed from the scheme.

So what if that person gets assessed by Work and Income as not being fit for work for 15 hours a week . He is eligible for the Invalids Benefit. The person goes on the Invalids benefit, and because WINZ has said he can’t work, he appeals the ACC decision that says he could ( at least, appeals the decision regarding accident related injuries. But he loses, because ACC’s doctors say he can work 30 hours a week, even though WINZ doctors say he can’t.

And what does this say about the ACC review process? The problem is that it is pretty hard to get information on these transfers as ACC has no details on what their former claimants end up, and WINZ have few details on where their Invalids beneficiaries were prior to going on an Invalids Benefit. This could be because many are initially transferred to the Invalids Benefit from the Sickness Benefit with no reference to having recently come off ACC.

I wonder how many people have been in this situation during the past five years? And how many are now being quickly transferred to Sickness Benefits to get assessed for part time work?
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Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, November 25, 2010

Leaked Ministry document says National Standards opponents are acting legally

A leaked document from the Ministry of Education states that the Ministry will struggle to assess school charters using the National Standards because of its own decision to move the date requiring schools to submit charters from the end of May to January next year. All updated charters have to be sent to the Ministry of Education every year and must be processed within 25 working days, as per section 63A of the Education Act 1989.
The leaked document[PDF] states schools joining the "Boards Taking Action Coalition" who have pledged to defer sending in the charters are acting legally. The Education Act does not specify when charters have to be sent to the Ministry, provided they are sent every year.

In practice, schools send in only the annually updated section of the charter, in the form of the annual plan. Training for Boards of Trustees on developing charters for National Standards only commenced this month. I blogged about the quality of that training here.

For schools that send charters that do not meet the requirements of the Act ( and we know that about 245 schools have pledged to send in charters that won’t meet the requirements) the Ministry determines when that charter takes effect. The leaked document states that charter processing will increase the workload significantly.
We anticipate that you will initially sift the charters to determine whether or not they meet the requirements, and identify those which need further work…. It may take a year or two for you to work out the best way to process this large influx of charters in a short period of time
A new or updated school charter takes effect on the 25th working day after the date that the Ministry receives it. How many school charters – with or without National Standards information - will take effect 25 working days after the Ministry receives them because they have not been processed in accordance with the Act?
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Google Nexus S Using Android Gingerbread

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It is widely heard that Google would be holding the handset to create the successor to the Samsung Nexus. Last leaks circulating in cyberspace show, named Nexus S handsets running the Android OS was found to Gingerbread.
As quoted from DetikINET, Friday (11/26/2010), Xda Developers tech site claims to have got the exclusive pictures reveal the Nexus S adopt the Gingerbread. Some of the photos
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Getting to Know Windows 7 Phone

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Windows Phone 7 (WP7) have been present at the end of this year. For those who want to buy mobile phones WP7, it's good to listen to these reviews, what is consistent with the character of each user.
The first product that tested detikINET WP7 is HTC 7 Mozart. However, this time we will not discuss about the product, but a new flavor of Windows mobile.
Judging from the initial view, WP7 very
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Windows Phone 7 support for 3000 Applications

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Windows 7 Phone which is the Microsoft Mobile operating system version are enjoying the benefits of application developers worldwide. Unmitigated, mobile operating system from Microsoft that has the support of 15 thousand developers who showed interest in building applications for the platform. Windows 7 Phone is slowly taking steps to increase the availability of applications for the
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Traditional concept spaceship environment illustrations by MANCHU

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I wanted to post the rest of these amazing images from Philippe while he still had the header. You can buy his book HERE. Happy Thanksgiving!

Keywords: traditional acrylic on paper science fiction illustrations by philippe bouchet manchu professional artist residing in france new book titled manchu starships published printed by delcourt/serieb editions publications
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What can Governor Adjustments do for your Battery Mileage?

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After my previous post about Android saving power with Linux governor tweaking, I did some governor tweak testing on my netbook with a tweaked phoronix test suide (pts) and came up with these results:

The first two show the power usage in Watts, the third shows the frequencies used during the test.

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New iOS 4.2 Announced

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iOS 4 has been referred to as the "world's most advanced mobile operating system" and Apple is now improving on a system that was thought to be perfect. Their chief executive, Steve Jobs, demonstrated the new operating system at the company's iPod event earlier this year (September).

iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users will be excited to hear that the software giant has announced the launch of the
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Ipad education applications, ipad application development

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The popular iPad has made education now more fun and an easy learning process. Many people say iPad to be the best platform to promote interactive learning experience and it seems so. There are various custom iPad education applications, which help the teachers to teach the subject in a better way and enable children to learn effectively. Some of the popular educational applications of iPad are
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Apple Laptops and Its Great Accessories

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A laptop is a personal computer that designed for mobile use. It is small and light enough. The laptop integrates most of the typical components of desktop computer including keyboard, display, pointing device or touchpad and speakers. It is powered by main electricity via AC adapter and it can be used away by using a rechargeable battery. This battery stores enough energy to run laptop for 3 to
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Power-Saving Summary

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, November 24, 2010

IBM has recently made a presentation about green data centers. Their slides sum up most things you can do on any computer to save energy: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/slides/lfcs09_srinivasan.pdf
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Granatapfelsaft Wirkung

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Wissenswertes über die Granatapfelsaft Wirkung

Über 250 wissenschaftliche Studien zeigen, dass der Granatapfel eine positive Wirkung bei Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Krebs , Bluthochdruck und Arthritis haben kann. Allerdings sind die meisten Studien nur auf Versuche mit Zellkulturen oder Tieren beschränkt. Eine Übertragbarkeit auf den Menschen bleibt darum bis jetzt immer noch fraglich und sollte in entsprechenden Studien belegt werden.
Der Granatapfel enthält aber unbestritten viele wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe, und davon besonders viele und stark wirksame Polyphenole, welche vermutlich für positive gesundheitlichen Effekte verantwortlich sein können. Bei Granatapfelprodukten gibt es beträchtliche Unterschiede bezüglich Qualität und Gehalt an wirksamen Polyphenolen ( Pflanzenstoffe ).

Da die wirksamen Granatapfel-Pflanzenstoffe in flüssiger und unfermentierter Form von einigen Menschen nicht effizient genug aufgenommen werden können, kann man den Granatapfelmuttersaft komplett fermentieren. Dabei werden die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe freigesetzt, bioaktiver und somit besser bioverfügbar. Durch die Fermentation wird der fruchteigene Zucker fast komplett abgebaut – besonders für Diabetiker ein angenehmer Zusatzeffekt. Durch die Gefriertrockung bleiben die Inhaltsstoffe optimal erhalten, während es bei den gängigen Hitzetrocknungsverfahren zu einer Polymerisation und Oxidation kommt , und dadurch ein Qualitätsverlust entstehen kann. Dadurch ist die Granatapfelsaft Wirkung umso intensiver.
Wir empfehlen darum : Granaprostan - 100 x 650mg - Granatapfelsaft fermentiert, Vorteilsdose
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Reduce Power Consumption Extend Battery Life of your Android with CPUfreq Governor Tweaks

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CPUfreq is the part of the Linux kernel that changes your CPU's frequency to save power or increases it to make your system run faster. Obviously the settings you use there are essential for you performance and battery consumption. I read an extensive article by IBM some time ago analysing the different Linux cpu frequency governors. It makes lots of fancy tests and has great diagrams etc. What it boils down to is that these are the perfect setttings for low power at high performance in Linux. (Also check out this article where I tested these settings on my netbook.)

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Android and Fritz Box VoIP

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The only app that worked well in my experience was CSIPSimple. And it was easily configured and feature-laden yet small (1.3 MB) and low-resource at the same time. I couldn't get sipdroid or others to run properly.

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Good Configuration Dell Vostro 1014 Laptop

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Imagine a life without laptop is like imagining it without work. The modern era going advanced; hence the need of advanced gadgets is rising at a faster pace. There is a no doubt to the fact that the computer markets can dish out a lot many choices with respect to laptops and technology gadgets. Today everyone needs to have the best and the most sophisticated gadgets to work upon.Breaking the
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CMIP vs. SNMP : Network Management

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Imagine yourself as a network administrator, responsible for a 2000 user network. This network reaches from California to New York, and some branches over seas. In this situation, anything can, and usually does go wrong, but it would be your job as a system administrator to resolve the problem with it arises as quickly as possible. The last thing you would want is for your boss to call you up
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Manage Power Settings in Windows 7

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To learn windows 7 has always been very exciting and enjoyable. It acts as a tutor for the users. Detail instructions have been provided by it regarding the improper functioning of the system. Whenever the system gets messed up, windows 7 is there to conduct you.
In order to manage and handle the power settings, user has to type power settings in the start menu search box. After this, screen
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Windows NT vs Unix as an operating system

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Evolution & Development History In the late 1960s a combined project between researchers at MIT, Bell Labs and General Electric led to the design of a third generation of computer operating system known as MULTICS (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service). It was envisaged as a computer utility, a machine that would support hundreds of simultaneous timesharing users. They envisaged one huge
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Understanding the Necessity of Wayland

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Questioning the necessity for Wayland and the wiseness of the choice has become a phenomena, especially after Mark Shuttleworth annouced Ubuntu's plans to eventually switch to Wayland. Following I will provide a concise reasoning why we want Wayland. At the end there are some more links for further reading.

In 1984 the MIT started X11.
In 1991, XFree86 started out of the X386 server based on the X11 platform.
In 2003, Xorg took over from XFree86 after a license dispute.
In 2008, Wayland was started to overhaul the entire system and keep only what's necessary for the desktop today, using only today's modern infrastructure in a leightweight architecture.

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EVE ONLINE create a starship entries

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, November 22, 2010

Winners have been announced from DEVIANTART's create a starship contest for EVE ONLINE. Here are a few that caught my eye. Congrats to dreamwa1ker!

Keywords: concept spaceship art entries for deviantart create a starship contest for eve online video game ccp games winners announced massively multiplayer online game mmog winner gets a spaceship built in to the game to play length in meters in scale
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"Unusual" Linux Games

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Linuxaria has a great list of fun, "different" Linux games, can't wait to try out some of them.

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200 Best Android Apps List

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, November 21, 2010

If you've got a droid and some time on your hand you may want to check out this list created during the Android developer challenge.

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Learning with Android

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Learning flash cards with your mobile phone would be great, especially when you're on your way e.g. to work or uni.  With OpenCards, there is a great application for that on your Computer. And it's already written in Java (though Openoffice, which it requires, isn't). But then there's already a basic Openoffice Document reader for Android. And they are both Java based and Open Source. Now if only someone would combine the two to have it both working together, that'd be really great...

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11/21 100 vista tips and tricks

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          100 vista tips and tricks
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Using Bloggers More Tag to Split Large Posts

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've started using Bloggers tag to split up large posts. This means large posts will only show with a few introductionary lines on the front page, for the whole thing you need to click on it: "Read More". I think this makes the front page better suited for its purpose: Providing an overview of current topics. If you are hugely annoyed or positively crazed about this, let me know in the comments and I might reconsider.
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11/20 100 vista tips and tricks

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          100 vista tips and tricks
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When EXE Files are Harmful

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What are exe files? EXE in this context means "executable." Executable files are computer files that launch programs and carry out commands when activated. In fact, some are even self-executable which means that they carry out their instructions without user intervention. You regularly encounter executable files whenever you work on your computer. For example, when you click on the icon
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Surprise! Cannon’s Creek gives Fa’afoi the Mana by-election

The Porirua East flunkies have done it again - voted a candidate in an election purely because that candidate is standing on the Labour banner. Results so far are here, 2008 results here.The Greens candidate, Jan Logie got nearly twice as many votes as Matt McCarten, and had the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis candidate got 26 more votes, he would have got more than Act’s Colin du Plessis' current tally.

In fact, the Cannon’s Creek vote was so strongly Labour that Hekia Parata would have easily been ahead on election night had those votes been disregarded. More than 12 times as many people voted for Fa’afoi than Parata in Cannon’s Creek – I wonder how many of them are beneficiaries and would have voted Hekia Parata if she was Labour.

I recon if I was the Labour candidate I would have been assured of a seat in Parliament, after awaiting the result of special votes. There are 1352 special votes to be counted.

The fact of the matter is that Kris Fa’afoi was not the best candidate in the campaign. Many of the 2008 Labour voters who actually thought about their voting choice decided to vote for a candidate other than Fa’afoi. Fa’afoi won with 46.4 per cent of the total vote while National’s Hekia Parata won with 41.6 per cent, after getting 35 percent in 2008. Or to put it another way, Labour’s 6000 majority in 2008 was slashed down to an election night majority of 1080. And we know what 1080 is.

If Fa’afoi wins the election after the specials, perhaps he could shift his electorate office to Cannons Creek. Because, overall, the rest of the electorate wanted Hekia Parata as their MP.

If the Creekers were to wake up and get with the rest of the marginal electorate in 2011, Hekia Parata will be the next MP for Mana. Mana is no longer the ninth safest seat in the country - its not a safe seat for Labour at all.And it's not often that a candidate associated with the Government makes one of the safest seats in the country marginal - by elections usually swing against the government.
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Immediate Latency Improvement on Recent Linux Kernels

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, November 19, 2010

Check out this article on Webupd8. But I'm sure an easier version you can just install as a normal package will come out soon as well.

But it works excellently indeed. I can transcode now and I don't even notice any change in responsiveness.
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Best 3D Laptops Gathering(Part B)

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Dell XPS 15 3d LaptopBoasting a matte silver anodized aluminum lid that doesn't pick up fingerprints, Dell XPS 15 may not impress us as the somewhat dull color. On the plus side, we appreciate the small black bar that sticks out behind the lid and has a backlit XPS logo that flashes when the system's asleep. We also like that the matte finish continues on the sides and bottom, areas too
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Windows Vista Aero

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Windows Aero is the most extravagant graphical user interface (GUI) ever introduced by Microsoft. Aero is the acronym of Authentic, Energetic, Reflective and Open, these words certainly reflect the qualities of the Windows latest graphical user interface (GUI). This graphical user interface (GUI) is designed specially for the latest versions of Windows which includes Windows Vista. It has
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Reset Lost / Forgotte Windows 7 Password

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Do you need to know how to reset a login password for Windows 7? There are different ways to reset your login depending upon which password you forgot. Sometimes you can't find the forgotten or lost password and will have to reinstall Windows. This article will show you how to rest your Windows 7. Reset Windows 7 Password Using an Administrative Account
If the password you lost or forgot is
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4 Tips to Reset Lost Windows Vista Password

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For many PC users it may be difficult to retrieve a lost password in Windows Vista. But there are a number of people approach to solve this problem, actually. When it comes to lost Windows Vista password on Q&A websites, many tips are always for you. This article lists 4 tips to help you retrieve the lost Vista password.
Tip 1: Reset lost password with a Windows Vista password reset disk.
Tip 2
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What I like about Android - and what I don't -- My Android Review (including my Favorite Apps)

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, November 18, 2010

Find out what I like and dislike about the android system after a critical review on the Samsung Galaxy 3. And at the end there's a list of my favorite apps.

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Acai Beere Pulver-schwarz

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Acai Beere Pulver - schwarz , von der Vitalbeere aus dem Amazonasgebiet

Acaibeeren zählen aus ökologischer und aus Sicht der Ernährung zu den wertvollsten Schätzen des ganzen Amazonasgebietes. Aufgrund der aussergewöhnlich günstigen Zusammensetzung seiner Inhaltsstoffe hat Acai inzwischen auch in Europa einen Boom als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ausgelöst. Tatsächlich hat die Acai Beere einen sehr hohen Gehalt an Antioxidantien und anderen gesundheitlich wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen.

Acaibeeren werden getrocknet und in Pulverform angeboten, oft auch in Kapseln. Dabei ist folgendes zu beachten. Die Kapselform ist die teuerste und bietet am wenigsten Vitalstoffe fürs Geld - nicht nur bei Arcai Beeren. No dazu sind in den Kapseln oft Zuschlagsstoffe enthalten, die rein funktionalen Charakter, aber keinen gesundheitlichen Wert haben.

Beim Acai Beere Pulver gibt es unterschiedliche Qualitäten. Lila- oder rosafarbenes Acai-Pulver wird aus dem Saft, durch Sprühtrocknung gewonnen. Dabei sind erhöhte Temperaturen erforderlich was zu einer Wertminderung, von einem Teil der Inhaltsstoffe führt. Oft wird der Saft dabei auf eine Trägersubstanz aufgebracht, in der Regel Maltodextrin, was bis zu 40% Gewichtsanteil ausmacht.

100% reines Acai Beere Pulver aus der ganzen Beere ist schwarz!
Dieses Pulver enthält deutlich mehr Vitalstoffe als sprühgetrocknetes Pulver auf einem Trägerstoff. Die besten Qualitäten werden durch das teure Gefrietrocknungsverfahren hergestellt. Dabei bleiben allerdings wertvolle Vitalstoffe optimal erhalten !

Unser Tipp zum kaufen :
Acai Pulver, natur, 100% Frucht, gefriergetrocknet, Top-Qualität

Acai Pulver, natur, 100% Frucht, gefriergetrocknet, Top-Qualität
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Concept ships by Li Jia Tan

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Concepts by Jia. A bot by Jia.

Keywords: concept spaceship environment digital concept art concepts by jia conceptsbyjia.blogspot.com illustration paintings drawing renders li jia tan concept flying vehicle images art hovering blimps in underground city scape
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What to do if sshfs / fuse freezes your system?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Two things you can do. If it's generic fuse:
fusermount -u -z (mountpoint, don't tab to get the directory, you have to enter it exactly.)

If it's sshfs, you can reduce the timeout to have your system return from the ice age sooner and automatically next time:
echo ServerAliveInterval 15 >> ~/.ssh/config

And don't bother, this bug is know and has been reported before.
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11/17 Thoughts on Technology

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, November 16, 2010

          Thoughts on Technology
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Concept spaceship art by Ozan Çivit

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, November 15, 2010


Keywords: digital 2 two dimensional concept art featuring sci-fi spaceship science fiction designs by turkish artist illustrator sample drawing renders from www.cgoz.com space vessels starship conceptual drafting
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