Using SMPlayer with hardware video acceleration such as VAAPI - Fixing various crashes etc. with VAAPI

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If you've also tried to use VAAPI with SMplayer, you may also have experienced the crash every single time you try to watch anything. These things might also apply to VDPAU and xvmc.

Here's the solution
1. Disable screenshots:
General -> General -> Enable Screenshots [ ] (uncheck)

2. Set to single thread decoding:
Performance -> Performance -> Threads ... [1]

3. Disable subtitles and postprocessing.

Here's what doesn't help:
Upgrading to the current version 0.6.8.

If you want to know how to get VAAPI working SMPlayer in the first place: Select
General -> Video -> Output Driver -> Custom -> "vaapi,xv," and
Advanced -> Options for Mplayer -> Options -> "-va vaapi".

Let me know if it worked for you. Someone should probably inform the author of smplayer and/or mplayer. Excellent programs!

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