Keywords: conceptual spaceship ship rover vehicles 3d three dimensional models modeling by rory mcLeish born in glasgow scotland in the early 1960's over 20 years of experience in visual media Rory McLeish Creative Services develop original top quality 3D creature character 3D hardware and 3D environment concept designs for the computer games industry television and film production teaches part-time at Leeds Metropolitan University as an associate senior lecturer in digital media
Home »Unlabelled » Rory McLeish 3D concept ships
Rory McLeish 3D concept ships
Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Keywords: conceptual spaceship ship rover vehicles 3d three dimensional models modeling by rory mcLeish born in glasgow scotland in the early 1960's over 20 years of experience in visual media Rory McLeish Creative Services develop original top quality 3D creature character 3D hardware and 3D environment concept designs for the computer games industry television and film production teaches part-time at Leeds Metropolitan University as an associate senior lecturer in digital media
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