Happy New Year!

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One last post before the 2009 dawn sets in.

I want to wish you the best in 2009... Let's make something big happen together!

And speaking of big... Wired named the conceptships blog write up #5 on their 2008 top ten list of gallery articles. WHOA!!!! Congrats to all of the artists featured on the mag site & on this blog and a huge thanks to WIRED magazine. It's an honor to be represented by the biggest computer science magazine in the world. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!

Keywords: last post for the 2008 year on conceptships.blogspot.com wired magazine article number five # 5 on top ten of 2008 gallery articles conde nast
More aboutHappy New Year!

Quick&Secure Complete Network Tunnel over SSH

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

See this howto.
More aboutQuick&Secure Complete Network Tunnel over SSH

What's New in Linux v. 2.6.28

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Heise's got a nice article about what's new, what's hot, what's not in the not yet quite released 2.6.28.
More aboutWhat's New in Linux v. 2.6.28

Merry Christmas!

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thanks to you... The conceptships readers and all of the artists that make this crazy blog possible.

A little Christmas gift I've made for you. Send it to friends and family!

I will take the next few days off. New weekly header Friday...January 2nd, 2009! Have a happy new year and I will see you on the other side!

Merry Christmas conceptships weekly header #40 December 23rd - January 2nd, 2008 - 2009

Keywords: end of the 2008 year merry christmas animated flash loop header santa in sleigh flying with reindeer adobe aftereffects composite holiday animated greeting card
More aboutMerry Christmas!

More Sparth on Concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown


Keywords: industrial wind powered tower on beach with spacecraft ship art from nicolas bouvier sparth.com art dallas texas id sosftware
More aboutMore Sparth on Concept ships

Printer Tip: Cleaning your Print Heads the Cheap&Smart Way

Diposkan oleh Unknown

If you use the printer's internal cleaning utils (if they are available for Linux at all), you are likely to lose a lot of ink down the drain. And you usually can't even chose which color to clean. But can do it much cheaper:
  1. Open GIMP.
  2. Create a new full size page (e.g. A4 or Letter).
  3. Change the foreground colour to the color that's making the problem. Use the CMYK color picker and you can e.g. just pcik Yellow or Magenta, which your printer uses. I had a problem with yellow. See the "Y" on 100% on the left side.
  4. Fill the entire page with the chosen foreground color.
  5. If you can, go to the printer settings,
  6. set the Quality to the Highest setting.
  7. set the Malfunctioning Color e.g. +50.
  8. set the maximum dpi.
  9. Print the page, better twice in a row, that's more efficient unless there's just a minor skip in the color. Then keep printing single pages until the color comes back nicely.

Worked great on my Canon MP610! And it does not only save ink from the colors you spare the cleaning, it usually also saves ink from the color your cleaning. Also the ink goes onto the paper and not somewhere in the spongue inside your printer, that has a limited size. And that sponge is known to be the first part to cause problems in Canon printers: At some point it's reported as full and the printer stops working. (You can reset the print counter, but then ink might come out of your printer at some point.)

More aboutPrinter Tip: Cleaning your Print Heads the Cheap&Smart Way

Concept ships by Tham Hoi Mun

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, December 22, 2008

NuMioH's concept robots page and Deviant art account.

Keywords: industrial concept illustration art from numioh razeroth numio tham hoi mun concept hover bikes animated flash flip book anime
More aboutConcept ships by Tham Hoi Mun

An Overview of Assorted Linux Games

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, December 19, 2008

More aboutAn Overview of Assorted Linux Games

How to Speed Up your Website's Page Loading Times with Apache and .htaccess

Diposkan oleh Unknown

More aboutHow to Speed Up your Website's Page Loading Times with Apache and .htaccess

Anthony Wolff concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I wasn't going to make a new weekly header because the holidays are keeping us so busy here at the shop but I got inspired watching the Video Game Awards last night on Spike. So nice to see some of the premiere cinematic trailers in HD!

I posted this work earlier but bumped Anthony Wolff's post to the top here for the header.

Anthony's art portfolio.

Anthony Wolff conceptships weekly header #39 December 19th - December 23rd, 2008

Keywords: spaceship art from by anthony wolff a.k.a. jOuey concept artist at kylotonn entertainment paris helicopter chopper gunship digital concept renderings
More aboutAnthony Wolff concept ships

Steven Spielberg turns 62

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, December 18, 2008

I just saw this over at IMDB. Happy birthday from conceptships!

More aboutSteven Spielberg turns 62

Animated concept ships from realtime:uk

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Nice work from the realtime:uk team... Check the flick.

Keywords: concept airplane rocket ship animated concept art film movie from realtime uk experts in the production of highly creative game cinematics and concept movies for the games industry and animated 3D sequences for online content
More aboutAnimated concept ships from realtime:uk

Linux Video Editing Tools - Overview

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More aboutLinux Video Editing Tools - Overview

Logitech Mouse at Full Speed / 800 dpi

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Alexios Chouchoulas wrote a little tool called lmctl to help you use your Logitech mouse more comfortably in Linux. In current ubuntu intrepid you can use logitech-applet or lomoco.

You may also want to increase the mouse polling frequency.

More aboutLogitech Mouse at Full Speed / 800 dpi

Nährstoffräuber aus dem Arzneischrank /// Gesundheit Tipps

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Nährstoffräuber aus dem Arzneischrank
Haupt- nährstoffe
Schmerzmittel, auch Anti-Rheuma-Mittel
x Jod
x Kupfer
x Eiweiße
x Kohlehydrate
x Vitamin B6
x Vitamin C
x Vitamin K
x alle Nährstoffe
x Vitamin B6
säurebindende und andere Magen- Arzneimittel
x Kalzium
x Eisen
x Fluorid
x Kalium
x Natrium
x Phosphor
x Vitamin B1
x Vitamin A
x Kalzium
x Eisen
x Kalium
x Magnesium
x Natriumx Zink
x Fette
x Vitamin B1
x Vitamin B2
x Vitamin B6
x Vitamin B12
x Folsäure
x Vitamin C
x Vitanin A
x Vitamin D
x Vitanin K
Antibotika, orale
x Kalzium
x Eiweiße
x Kohlenhydrate
x Vitamin B12
blutdrucksenkende Mittel
BESSER Circulation Formula OHNE Nebenwirkungen konnte mein Mann Beta Blocker runter dosieren (deshalb nicht zugelassen in D)!
x Kalium
x Natrium
x Phosphor
x Kohlenhydrate
x Vitamin B6
x Vitanin B12
krampflösende Mittel
Digitalisglykoside (z.B. bei Herzschwäche)
harntreibende Mittel
Nährstoffräuber aus dem Arzneischrank
x Kalzium
x Eisen
x Kupfer
x Magnesium
x Phosphor
x Zink
x Eiweiße
x Fette
x Kohlehydrate
x Vitamin B1
x Vitamin B2
x Vitamin B6
x Vitamin B12
x Folsäure
x Vitamin C
x Vitamin A
x Vitamin E
Glukokortigoide (Z. Bsp. Asthma)
x Kalzium
x Eisen
x Natrium
x Phosphor
x Zink
x Eiweiße
x Kohlenhydrate
x Vitamin B6
x Vitamin C
x Vitamin D
lipidsenkende Mittel (z.B. bei zu hohem Cholesterinspiegel)
Beruhigungs- und Schlafmittel
x Kalzium
x Natrium
x Eiweiße
x Vitamin B12
x Folsäure
x Vitamin D
Tuberkulose Mittel
die Harnsäure-Ausscheidung fördende Mittel (z.B. bei Gicht)


Chemische Stoffe bekämpfen das Symptom, nicht die Ursachen!

Die meißten Medikamente kann man zum Fenster raus schmeißen und da muss man dann aufpassen, dass den Vögeln nichts passiert.

AZK-Vortrag "Nebenwirkung Tod - Korruption in der Pharmaindustrie" John Rengen

Bei mir gibt es keinen Arzneischrank und keine Tabletten mehr, Pflaster habe ich.

Georg Schramm – Döschen auf, Pille rein – lasst uns froh und munter sein?!

Garantiert mehr Lebensqualität:
Egal, was hier steht, Sie wollen etwas ändern?
Unsere Lösung, auch wenn es NICHT GLEICH verständlich ist ..., ist ganz einfach, Zahnbürste/Lotion bestellen im Gesundheitsshop (neu) und weitere Infos bei Job Gesundheit Freizeit und Unterstützung von uns anfordern!


Videofilm: Gesundheitshinweise
Fragen zur Anwendung und Selbsthilfe beantwortet unser internes Gesundheitsnetzwerk.
Positives Feedback
zu http://jobwegweiser.info/
More aboutNährstoffräuber aus dem Arzneischrank /// Gesundheit Tipps

SINIX concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SINIX DESIGN. Looks like Rob is a good animator as well... Check this CAOrg thread.

Keywords: rob stacy concept spaceship animated flash loop design employment cold fuzion studios freelance 2006 - 2007, electronic arts canada 2007
More aboutSINIX concept ships

How much does Google know about you?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Check out this review of a book with that title.
More aboutHow much does Google know about you?

Concept ships by Pavel Elagin

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, December 15, 2008

Pavel's website artbypavel.com

Keywords: concept spaceship art by pavel elagin born in irkutsk siberian part of russia moved to currently resides in australia freelance concept artist illustrator designer
More aboutConcept ships by Pavel Elagin

What to do if your Linux system stops responding?

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, December 13, 2008

Here's the answer.
More aboutWhat to do if your Linux system stops responding?

Concept ships by Fabio Comin

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, December 12, 2008

Fabio's CGSociety art portfolio.

Fabio Comin conceptships weekly header #38 December 12th - December 19th, 2008

Keywords: concept ship art by fabio comin studied traditional illustration at the academy of art college in san francisco for 5 years studying media arts and game design at the SF art institute
More aboutConcept ships by Fabio Comin

Samurai Cop concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, December 11, 2008

Samurai Cop's blogspot port.

Keywords: digital concept ships spaceships designed by concept artist samurai cop from blog the landfill hovering ship over industrial city with people spectators walking
More aboutSamurai Cop concept ships

New Ice Age Wall of Ice

Diposkan oleh Unknown

New Ice Age Wall of Ice - British Frozen Food Industry Bites Back

New Ice Age Wall of Ice

Damian Hurst or Jack Frost?

It's as Cold as Ice - BFFF Artist Jack Frost built a wall of ice to draw attention to the New Ice Age on London's Arty South Bank. Thousands of commuters were wowed with fresh fruit and vegetables in cryogenic-like suspended animation like a vegetarian version of Damian Hurst's horific pickled animals.

Once eveing fell it could be seen from nearly a mile away as the huge block of ice lit up the eerie arangement of fresh food.
More aboutNew Ice Age Wall of Ice

Open Source Forensics

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Linux-Tip.net has a little article about forensics with open source tools.
More aboutOpen Source Forensics

Concept ship by Luke Harrington

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Luke's website.

Keywords: luke harrington digital concept ships art design illustration for games photoshop traditional media maya 3DStudio max modeling texturing animation character creature design mobile game art
More aboutConcept ship by Luke Harrington

Google Really is Going Towards the Browser OS

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Google just released the native client, a browser plugin that helps to efficiently use the CPU of a machine accessing a web page. Available for many browsers - except the Internet Explorer. After Google Gears and Chrome this piece of Software is another important step towards establishing the technical infrastructure for a Browser Operating System.
More aboutGoogle Really is Going Towards the Browser OS

Peter Konig concept ships

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Peter Konig's typepad blog. Peter's creature sculpting DVD from Massive Black.

Keywords: peter konig worked on over 30 feature films contributed to over 50 next-generation video game titles 20 years sculpting designing concepting texturing animating art directing projects dragonheart starship troopers evolution blade II tippett studios valve software
More aboutPeter Konig concept ships