Passive Smoking Halves Fertility Thwarts pregnancy

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, May 26, 2005

At last some more evidence for the bleedin obvious! -- UK health news 20050526: "Living with a smoker halves chances of IVF pregnancy

Source: The Times

Date: 26/05/2005

The Times and The Guardian report the news that a study by McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences in Ontario of 225 women undergoing IVF treatment has found that passive smoking can reduce the chances of conception by 50% if they live with a smoker who has ten cigarettes day. The findings found that there was no difference in embryo quality between the three groups surveyed, namely non-smokers, smokers and 'sidestream smokers' (passive smokers), but there was a striking difference in implantation and pregnancy rates between non-smokers and the other two groups. Michael Neal, a member of the McMaster team, said that the damaging effects of passive smoking were so clear that they were now warning all patients about the potential hazards to fertility from smoking or passive smoking. "

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