Strawberry Antioxidants Protect The Heart And The Kidneys

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, July 27, 2011

All berries are rich in antioxidants. Strawberry is rich in the antioxidant fisetin which can protect several organs.

Strawberry is cultivated worldwide for its fruit. The fruit may be consumed fresh or, may be used in ice creams, milkshakes or, fruit juices. Like many other berries, strawberry is also loaded with nutrients which can prevent the onset of several diseases. The strawberry is especially rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, the strawberry is also containing significant quantities of several antioxidants like the anthocyanins. The most abundant and the most powerful antioxidant, is called fisetin. It is generally accepted that antioxidant supplements are far inferior to antioxidants coming through foods. This is because naturally occurring foods like the strawberries contain a cocktail of beneficial substances.

Content Source: Bukisa - Strawberry Antioxidants Protect The Heart And The Kidneys

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