Lessons not Learned - Continuing Latency Issues in Linux

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, January 7, 2010

We still have wonderful fsync offenders. Look at Kopete for example, or at Chrome. You don't want to be running that on battery or in a low latency environment:

Process kopete (1868)            Total: 19098.1 msec
fsync() on a file        6008.6 msec    99.8 %
Scheduler: waiting for cpu   19.4 msec  0.2 %

Or Iron (a privacy-enhanced Chrome/Chromium browser)

Process iron (5822)  Total: 13753.6 msec
fsync() on a file           5090.9 msec   70.3 %
Writing a page to disk 1412.8 msec 10.3 %
synchronous write         524.5 msec  3.8 %

If you use ext4, you can add some of these mount options to decrease the latency impact. But this decreases data security:

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