Convert 1080i AVCHD directly to 720p avi with ffmpeg 0.5

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, August 30, 2009

With the realease off ffmpeg 0.5 there is much better AVCHD support in my experience, so you can use it for perfect conversions. You can download ffmpeg from and then use this script:

# ffmpeg-avchd script by
# to encode a directory use this command:
# for i in *.m2ts; do ffmpeg-avchd $i; done
IN="$1"; shift
OUT=$(echo $IN | sed 's/.m2ts//')-720p.avi
echo Encoding $IN to $OUT.
ff="ffmpeg -deinterlace -i "$IN" -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 -vpre normal -crf 25 -sws_flags lanczos -s hd720 -r 25"
echo $ff $OUT
nice $ff "$OUT"

The only thing I'm not really happy with yet is the deinterlacing and deshaking. I would like to use a sharper deinterlacer, but I guess I'd need mencoder for that. The Lanczos software scaler does make steady images pretty sharp already, though.

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