Hager v Crosby
The defamation case between Nicky Hager and Lynton Crosby has now been resolved. Radio New Zealand was also sued Nicky Hager explains how it happened, what he did and how it was resolved. It is a long, but must read. In short, Lynton Crosby, of Crosby/Texter, sued Hager and Radio NZ after Hager repeated comments he wrote in a newspaper article a year ago. The newspaper concerned wasn't sued.
However, Crosby gave up after intimidating Hager for 11 months because he couldn't win. They even wanted Hager to disclose his sources that led to the leaks. Hager did admit, however a slip of the tongue in mixing up the name of Lynton Crosby and Mark Texter by calling Crosby Mark Crosby, which is no big deal and hardly defamatory. Crosby, through his lawyers, even warned that the legal letter was not for publication. Hager has published part of the letter.
hat tip The Standard.
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