Comfortable Direct HD Video Encoding from AVCHD to Mpeg4

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, August 17, 2008

This nice little script encodes avchd m2ts files from e.g. an HD camcorder directly to mpeg4 avis. It uses a temporary file in the /tmp dir for the audio stream, but the rest is done using fifo pipes. You need to install the csh shell interpreter to run it. And you need to setup the environment from this package: (by invoking ./install, then ./installasroot, you need to modify the download script and change the JM version).

The script works badly on multi-core systems, but you can invoke it several times at once. It's originally a modified version of the script from this package, but I changed it so you can run it several times concurrently (with the same file names in different folders). I also added a check to prevent it from encoding files where the output files already exist. I recommend to run it on an entire directory for i in *.m2ts; do echo encoding $i; hdencode $i; done


set BR=5000
set lavcopts="-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate="$BR":turbo:threads=1:autoaspect:ilme:ildct"
set lavf="-of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4"
set menco="-vf scale=1280:540:1 $lavf"
set fps="25" # "29.97"
set ending="mp4"
set delay="-delay +0.7"

#The scripts and instructions in this package are free to use and
#redistribute AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Standard disclaimers apply.

if ( $#argv == "0" ) then
echo usage: $0 filename.m2ts ...
set files=($*)

set path = ( . $path )

echo using:
which xporthdmv || exit
which ldecod || exit
which ffmpeg || exit

echo $0 Starting.
echo " "
foreach file ($files)
if ( ! -f $file ) then
echo file $file not found

rm -f ./bits0001.mpv ./bits0001.mpa

set filebase=`basename $file | sed s/\.m2ts// | sed s/\.MTS//`
set audiofile=/tmp/$filebase-$$".ac3"
set videofifo=/tmp/$filebase-$$".yuv"
set outputfile=$filebase"."$ending

if ( -f $outputfile ) then
echo file $outputfile already exists

if ( ! -f $audiofile ) then
echo xporthdmv -h $file 1 1 1
xporthdmv -h $file 1 1 1 && mv bits0001.mpa $audiofile
echo $audiofile already exists, not creating it.

mkfifo $videofifo

if ( ! -f $videofifo ) then
echo ldecod -i bits0001.mpv -o $videofifo
ldecod -i bits0001.mpv -o $videofifo &
#ldecod -i bits0001.mpv -o $videofifo
echo $videofifo already exists, not creating it.

if ( ! -f $outputfile ) then
echo mencoder $videofifo -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=1440:h=1080 -aspect 16:9 -ofps $fps \
-ovc lavc -o $outputfile"-tmp" $lavcopts $menco

mencoder $videofifo -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo w=1440:h=1080 -aspect 16:9 -ofps $fps \
-ovc lavc -o $outputfile"-tmp" $lavcopts $menco

echo mencoder $outputfile"-tmp" -aspect 16:9 -ofps $fps \
-audiofile $audiofile \
-oac copy -ovc copy \
-o $outputfile

mencoder $outputfile"-tmp" -aspect 16:9 -ofps $fps \
-audiofile $audiofile $delay \
-oac copy -ovc copy \
-o $outputfile
echo $outputfile exists, not creating it.

#echo To remove temporary files: rm -f /tmp/*.ac3 /tmp/*.yuv
rm -f ./dataDec.txt ./log.dec bits0001.mpv $videofifo $audiofile $outputfile"-tmp"
echo $0 complete.

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