Oleg Lohnes Revitaler® /// Gesundheit Tips

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 30, 2008

Oleg Lohnes Revitaler®

Leistungsfähigkeit steigern mit dem Oleg Lohnes Revitaler (4/6)

Wir waren am 22. 6. zu einer Gesundheitsmesse in Eberswalde. Dort konnte man viel sehen und sich informieren, viele Stände, auch Johanniter, AWO, Bio und @.
Was uns begeistert hat:

Dem jungen Mann hat das seinen Fussballmeniskus mit geheilt. Vor allem Migräne, Arthrose, Bandscheibe, was meinen Mann vor allem beeindruckte Bluthochdruck ....

Das sind kleine Pyramiden und wirkt ähnlich wie Fussreflexmassage, für jede Stelle besteht verbindung mit einem Organ, in 15 Min. entstehen Schwingungen, die den ganzen Körper hoch schwingen.
Man soll 15 Min. am Tag drauf stehen, ohne Socken und Stoff, oder mit dem Hintern/Rücken liegen.

Ein Arzt in Bayern hat das ca. 1993 entwickelt und patentiert und es brauchte dann ca. 10 Jahre bis es als wirksammes Gesundheitsmittel zugelassen wurde, mit dem ®.
(Kostet ca. 85,00 € + Postgeb.)

• Rückenschmerzen und Muskelverspannungen
• Müdigkeit und Erschöpfung
• Durchblutungsstörungen, kalte Hände und Füße
• Blutdruckprobleme
• Migräne, Regelschmerzen und Cellulite
• Rheumatische Beschwerden, Arthrose
• Entschlackung des Körpers und vieles mehr

Erlebnismesse für gesundes Leben im Familiengarten Eberswalde.

Wir sind immer interessiert für Gesundheitsprodukte OHNE Nebenwirkungen, im Gegensatz zu dem meisten anderen Menschen!


Mehr Lebensqualität:
Egal, was hier steht, Sie wollen etwas ändern?
Lösung, auch wenn es nicht gleich verständlich ist ..., ist ganz einfach, Zahnbürste bestellen und weitere Infos bei Job Gesundheit Freizeit (neu) und Unterstützung von uns anfordern!


Fragen zur Anwendung und Selbsthilfe beantwortet unser internes Gesundheitsnetzwerk.

zu http://jobwegweiser.info/
More aboutOleg Lohnes Revitaler® /// Gesundheit Tips

New Intel Xorg Driver Released

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, June 26, 2008

It seems the intel driver in the Ubuntu repositories is still pretty old. You can download a new one from their website, though and install it manually.

I wish there was an updated package available for hardy. You can probably use the intrepid package again, though. It has version number 2.3.2. Then you can leave the EXA acceleration enabled without the related problems with e.g. Opera.
More aboutNew Intel Xorg Driver Released

Fix for Memory Leak in Ubuntu's NetworkManager

Diposkan oleh Unknown

The nasty memory leak in NetworkManager, existing since gutsy times I believe, is finally fixed in the intrepid packages. The bug fixed version 0.6.6-0ubuntu7 is not yet uploaded it seems, but should appear at the intrepid packages link soon.

Correction: The packages seem to be uploaded, but not shown on the linked webpage yet. So just replace ubuntu6 with ubuntu7 and can download it right now.

Second update: The fixed version is no longer available for download from official servers. The file names were network-manager_0.6.6-0ubuntu7_i386.deb and network-manager_0.6.6-0ubuntu7_amd64.deb.

I found the files at http://ubuntu.interlegis.gov.br/ubuntu/pool/main/n/network-manager/.

Just download them and then install them with e.g.
sudo dpkg -i network-manager_0.6.6-0ubuntu7_i386.deb

That fixed the problem just fine for me.

More aboutFix for Memory Leak in Ubuntu's NetworkManager

Read Copy Update Preemption

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 23, 2008

I switched on the RCU Preemption in the Linux kernel and suddenly noticed stuttering video-playback in mplayer. Seems that sometimes it didn't get its data in time anymore. After I added the -cache 4096 parameter, it was fixed. But I really wonder how that could be, as there was nothing going on in the background.
More aboutRead Copy Update Preemption

How To Keep Brown Sugar Soft

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, June 21, 2008

How To Keep Brown Sugar SoftThe best ways to keep brown sugar soft are as follows:Store brown sugar in a glass jar or other glass container.Add a piece of apple in with the brown sugar when storing.Add a piece of bread into the container where you store your brown sugar.Alternatively, store your brown sugar in the freezer. It will stay soft.There are also terra cotta discs made specifically for
More aboutHow To Keep Brown Sugar Soft

b43 broadcom wireless driver

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I really wish the b43 driver would work better... I keep losing the connection after a certain time. It is much better in than in, but it's still disappointing to keep having to remove and reinsert the module to stay online. I'm really disappointed in Broadcom. The intel wireless drivers are a lot more reliable and obviously broadcom could do much more to ensure its hardware works well in Linux. The b43 team still does a great job at the open source driver for the seemingly pretty limited hardware. Still I guess if you want good Linux support, avoid Broadcom, prefer Intel or other Linux-friendly hardware manufaturers.

More aboutb43 broadcom wireless driver

Better Process Monitoring with htop

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, June 19, 2008

htop is a much nicer alternative to top, as you can configure it much easier and more interactive. It also has bars for cpu, mem and swap usage for a better overview.
More aboutBetter Process Monitoring with htop

Locking your Screen with dbus from the command line in Gnome, KDE4 and others.

Diposkan oleh Unknown

dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver --type=method_call \
--print-reply /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.Lock

This will work with KDE4 and should as well work with newer Gnome versions. Tested with KDE 4.1 beta1. It needs the display variable to be set and be run as the appropriate user.
e.g. su $user -c "DISPLAY=:0 dbus-send... "

In Ubuntu 8.04 you can change your /etc/acpi/resume.d/90-xscreensaver.sh to lock the screen on resume like this:


# now, we should poke xscreensaver so you get a dialog
#if pidof xscreensaver > /dev/null; then
for x in /tmp/.X11-unix/*; do
displaynum=`echo $x | sed s#/tmp/.X11-unix/X##`
if [ x"$XAUTHORITY" != x"" ]; then
export DISPLAY=":$displaynum"
su $user -c "(xscreensaver-command -deactivate)"
su $user -c "dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver \
--type=method_call --print-reply /ScreenSaver \
More aboutLocking your Screen with dbus from the command line in Gnome, KDE4 and others.

bios upgrade leads to resume problems

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I could not resume from standby anymore after upgrading the bios on my notebook. Turns out I just had to reset the hard disk password in the BIOS settings. The BIOS somehow forgot to unlock the hard disk during resume after the update. Removing it and setting it again fixed the problem.
More aboutbios upgrade leads to resume problems

Finding dbus targets made easy

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I have been looking for a tool to display dbus targets for a while...

It's called qdbusviewer and comes with the package qt4-dev-tools. I found it in this howto save your current session in kde4.

More aboutFinding dbus targets made easy

How to Help with Linux Kernel Development

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Please do contribute to Linux, and a great way of doing that is to test latest mainline or linux-next or -mm and to report on any problems which you encounter. 

Nothing special is needed - just install it on as many machines as you dare and use them in your normal day-to-day activities.

If you do hit a bug (and you will) then please be persistent in getting us to fix it. Don't let us release a kernel with your bug in it! Shout at us if that's what it takes. Just don't let us break your machines. 

Our testers are our greatest resource - the whole kernel project would grind to a complete halt without them. I profusely thank them at every opportunity I get :)"

(Andrew Morton, from the LinuxWorld interview. )

I recommend using the release candidates(-rcX), you can get them at www.kernel.org and report bugs at bugzilla.kernel.org. The nice thing is that this way you can make sure the next kernel will work on your system before it's even out. And you're usually not the only person who would suffer from these bugs of course.

More aboutHow to Help with Linux Kernel Development

How To Make Hummingbird Food - Homemade Recipe

Diposkan oleh Unknown

How To Make Hummingbird Food - Homemade RecipeIf you want to make hummingbird food for the hummingbirds visiting your backyard feeders then this simple homemade recipe is exactly what you need.Hummingbird Food Ingredients1 - Cup Water1/4 - Cup SugarBring the 1 cup of water to a boil. Add the sugar to the water. Using a spoon, stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved into the water. Let the
More aboutHow To Make Hummingbird Food - Homemade Recipe

Opera Speed running under Windows and Linux

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I've installed Opera 9.5. It's really nice and I'm actually writing this entry with it right now. But then because of unfortunate resume problems after a BIOS upgrade with my Acer notebook, I've installed and tried the new version in Windows as well.

And frankly, I was amazed. The websites loaded so quickly it seemed they were just there immediately. Awesome work, Opera. But then I started wondering:

Why is Opera so much faster under Windows?

More aboutOpera Speed running under Windows and Linux


Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Juni 2008 in Nienhagen und Bad Malente

More aboutFotos

Wunderschöne Pferde

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Wunderschöne Pferde in Kühungsborn (am Ostrand zu bewundern).
Garantiert mehr Lebensqualität:
Egal, was hier steht, Sie wollen etwas ändern?
Unsere Lösung, auch wenn es NICHT GLEICH verständlich ist ..., ist ganz einfach, Zahnbürste/Lotion bestellen
und weitere Infos bei Job Gesundheit Freizeit und Unterstützung von uns anfordern!
Fragen zur Anwendung und Selbsthilfe beantwortet unser internes Gesundheitsnetzwerk.

Wie Sie ohne Risiko und ohne Investition Ihr Geschäft aufbauen und Ihren Hauptberuf behalten!
More aboutWunderschöne Pferde

Compare Dmesg Output between boots

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 16, 2008

First remove the timing information from the dmesg with a sed Regular expression:

cat dmesg.txt| sed -r s/'\[[ ]*[0-9]+[.][0-9]+\]'//g > dmesg-clean.txt

Of course you can skip this step if you care about the timing information.

Then compare two kernel boot dmesgs.

diff -y --left-column dmesg1.txt dmesg2.txt | less

And as a script:

# published under GPL v. 3.0
# (c) 2008 linux-tipps.blogspot.com

cat "$1" | sed -r s/'\[[ ]*[0-9]+[.][0-9]+\]'//g > DMESGCOMPARE-${1}.txt
cat "$2" | sed -r s/'\[[ ]*[0-9]+[.][0-9]+\]'//g > DMESGCOMPARE-${2}.txt

diff -y --left-column DMESGCOMPARE-${1}.txt DMESGCOMPARE-${2}.txt | less


More aboutCompare Dmesg Output between boots

Linux ACPI Issues

Diposkan oleh Unknown

If you should ever get into problems with Linux ACPI, these kernel parameters might help you for a quick fix.

  • hpet=disable
  • nohz=off
  • acpi=noirq
  • acpi=ht
  • pci=noacpi
  • pnpacpi=off
  • noapic
  • nolapic
  • acpi=off
  • disable_8254_timer
  • acpi_os_name="Microsoft Windows" # Linux claims to be Win 98
  • combined_mode=libata # helped me with standby resume problems in Ubuntu
Also check out this ACPI debug page. And if the problem isn't already known, make sure to file a bug report.
More aboutLinux ACPI Issues

Optimize PNGs

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, June 15, 2008

OptiPNG is a cool little program to optimize png graphics in size. You can further optimize the size with advpng from the package advancecomp.


  1. optipng -q -o5 scummvm00000.bmp
  2. advpng -z -4 scummvm00000.png

901k bmp -> 40k png -> 36k png. Lossless.

And a script: 


echo "ShrinkBMP v. 0.2 (c) 2008, published under GPL 3.0."

for i in $*; do

echo compressing $i...

optipng -q -o5 "$i"

PNG="`echo $i | sed s/bmp/png/ `"

advpng -z -4 "$PNG"

ls -l $i $PNG

echo ...done.


echo All done: $* 

More aboutOptimize PNGs

How Corn Gluten Meal Works

Diposkan oleh Unknown

How Corn Gluten Meal WorksCorn Gluten Meal (CGM) is a by-product of the corn wet milling process that contains the protein fragment of the corn. Patented in 1991 by researchers at Iowa State University, Corn gluten meal is considered a non-toxic natural alternative to synthetic pre-emergence herbicides. But the chief question is, does it really work? And if so, how? Corn gluten meal inhibits the
More aboutHow Corn Gluten Meal Works

Milk just like barium based drink

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cost-Effectiveness and Patient Tolerance of Low-Attenuation Oral Contrast Material: Milk Versus VoLumen -- Koo et al. 190 (5): 1307 -- American Journal of Roentgenology

For years, countless people have had to force down about 1,200 cc of a barium contrast drink before having CT scans of their abdomen and pelvis to diagnose bowel disorders and abnormalities. The barium coats the insides of the esophagus, stomach and intestine, appearing dark while the intestinal wall appears brighter. The contrast from the barium allows radiologists to better visualize the bowel wall and more clearly delineate the bowel cavity and soft tissue. Barium drinks, however, can come with unpleasant side effects like constipation, diarrhea, nausea and cramping. The acidy-burning taste of the chalky, milky liquid can make getting it down one of the most unpleasant parts of the diagnostic test.

Children especially balk at drinking the barium–based drinks.

Clever researchers at St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City thought , "hmmmm - constipation, diarrhea, nausea and cramping?.....same syptoms many people have if they drink milk" They wondered if milk might work just as well.

And it does!

No statistically significant differences were seen between whole milk and VoLumen with respect to degree of bowel distention and mural visualization for all segments of bowel studied
More aboutMilk just like barium based drink

KDE4 Kwin Desktop Effects Howto

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If you wonder, just as I just did, what the different options in the Advanced section of System Settings: Desktop: Desktop Effects: Advanced Options in KDE4 means, here is the answer:

  • OpenGL is the fastest solution as it uses your graphics card's 3d acceleration for rendering.
    • Texture from Pixmap is the fastest option, as it stores the texture directly in the graphics card's memory, which is usually faster than the system ram.
    • Shared Memory stores the textures in X's shared memory, which resides in the system RAM and is usually much slower than the graphics card's memory.
    • Fallback tries Texture from Pixmap first and Shared Memory if that does not work.
  • XRender is less fast as it only uses 2d acceleration but much more compatible and works with older graphics cards as well.

The other options:

  • Direct rendering passes the commands directly to the graphics card and bypasses the X server. This is much faster as it the commands have to be copied less, but can be more instable and less compatible.
  • VSync stands for vertical synchrosation and ensures that the pictures are drawn in sync to the vertical display updates. This can be more soothing to the eyes, but is a little slower and just drawing the frames any time the graphics card is ready to do so.

More aboutKDE4 Kwin Desktop Effects Howto

Opera+Intel X Shared Memory Problem Fixed

Diposkan oleh Unknown

It turns out it is an issue in the X driver. Thanks to develcuy for the fix! You simply change the accelaration mode from EXA to XAA in the xorg.conf file:

in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

you insert in

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" # not EXA

It's also supposed to help with some memory issues. I will see if that maybe fixes my problems with plasma x shared pixmap cache I just posted about earlier. Even though its the older one of the two x acceleration infrastructures, the intel driver's support of it seems much more stable and fast.


It turns out there is a better fix for this issue, just upgrade to the newest driver package.


The new driver package does not always fix the issue. I hope that these fixes will not be required for Kubuntu 8.10.

More aboutOpera+Intel X Shared Memory Problem Fixed

Plasma SHM Memory Leak + plasma Tip, kquitapp

Diposkan oleh Unknown

It seems plasma leaks into x shared memory. This would explain why I had such a high value xrestop. After I restarted X it was down to only around 6 MB. It's funny but I don't even really notice these things anymore now that I have 2 GB RAM.

I wonder how many memory won't get noticed because developers have "too much" RAM in their developing systems...

By the way, if plasma constantly crashes for you and your settings get lost, you can just quit it with "kquitapp plasma", this saves its settings and then quits plasma.

Update: I've found a bug report on bugs.kde.org and it seems to be already fixed in SVN trunk.
More aboutPlasma SHM Memory Leak + plasma Tip, kquitapp

Xorg growing bigger and bigger?

Diposkan oleh Unknown

If you find out that Xorg grows bigger and bigger with time, chances are high that this is not actually Xorg, but a program that uses its pixmap cache.

xrestop will tell you just that. It lists the applications by how much pixmap cache they use. Mine starts with "" using about 226 MB(!), looking up the process id shows that "" stands for plasma! (Nice try at hiding, budddy!)


More aboutXorg growing bigger and bigger?

Ubuntu Remix

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Check out the new Ubuntu Remix and its special user interface.
More aboutUbuntu Remix

KDE4 Eye Candy

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 9, 2008

To use the KDE4 eye candy, you don't have to do much. You can activate the effects under System Settings and Desktop. Then you go to All effects and activate cover switch. I really like how it displays the windows while flipping through them with alt-tab.

You can also let it snow on your desktop, show stars around the mouse cursor, etc. And with a simple click you can add one of the high (and probably quickly increasing) number of kde4 plasma widgets, also known as plasmoids.

More aboutKDE4 Eye Candy

Plasma Development Resources

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Thanks to some nice KDE developers I now have some more plasma development resources:



The panel-devel mailing list and irc: #plasma on IRC (irc.freenode.org).

I added them to the Plasma Tutorial wiki as well.
More aboutPlasma Development Resources

KDE Bugsquat

Diposkan oleh Unknown

I just found out there is a KDE Bugsquat
More aboutKDE Bugsquat

Tracing System Calls

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, June 8, 2008

If you want to know what exactly a program is doing, e.g. to find out why it's using 50% cpu right now, you can use the strace command:

strace -r -fF -T -p `pidof someprogram`

As always, you can find out more about the usage with man strace. It often does not respond to Ctrl-C in my experience, which is why I often kill it. killall -QUIT strace

And it also often forgets to restart the program it traced, so try a killall -CONT  someprogram.

More aboutTracing System Calls

Phoronix Compile Benchmarks

Diposkan oleh Unknown

  1. Processor: Intel Celeron M 530 @ 1.72GHz (Total Cores: 1) "2008..."
  2. Processor: Intel Celeron 2.60GHz @ 2.62GHz (Total Cores: 1) "compilation"
  3. Processor: AMD Phenom 9850 @ 2.50GHz (Total Cores: 4) "0001"
  4. Processor: Intel Core 2 T7200 @ 2.00GHz (Total Cores: 2) "comp"
Time in seconds, less is better of course. You can see a clear advantage of multiple cores for compiling. I wonder how it looks for audio encoding...
More aboutPhoronix Compile Benchmarks

[fix] High Wakeups draining battery power with KDE 4.1 beta 1

Diposkan oleh Unknown

There is some issue related to knotify4, which causes around 100 wakes / second to show up in powertop. It looks like there have already been issues with KDE 4.0.x and there has been improvements since. But it's still too much for notebook use.

The suggested fix is to turn off the notifications, which did not work for me, though. What worked for me was a good old killall knotify4. ;)

More about[fix] High Wakeups draining battery power with KDE 4.1 beta 1

Better Bug Reports in English

Diposkan oleh Unknown

If you get an error in a program and you want to report the exact error, but in English, this short line helps a lot

LANG= apt-get install xxx

More aboutBetter Bug Reports in English

KDE 4.1 Beta 1 Update

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, June 7, 2008

I just finished the very basic work of my first very own plasmoid. It's pretty fun and very low on resources. 

KDE4 still crashes a lot. Ktorrent crashed while exiting, When the main panel is removed, there is a crash. And when you put the panel back it doesn't stay there. It crashes every time on logout then as well.

But it's really pretty. Finally 3d-cards get some good use! :) And I really like the themes. How automatic and smooth everything runs and looks. It feels totally different to use it. Different than anything I've tried before.

It almost like my keyboard feels softer. That's just how smooth it looks.

I hope that it will stabilize well during the beta testing. And no matter how long it takes, one thing is clear for me:

KDE 4 will be an amazing desktop environment. It will go further than any other desktop environment before it.

It is crossing the borders of not only architectures, but also programming and scripting languages and even operating systems.

More aboutKDE 4.1 Beta 1 Update

How To Care for Wicker Furniture

Diposkan oleh Unknown

How To Care for Wicker FurnitureThe best way to care for wicker furniture is to regularly dust it with a horsehair brush. If you spill any liquids on your wicker furniture clean them as quickly as possibly with warm water mixed with a little dish detergent. Although wicker is used frequently as indoor furniture it can quickly dry out in this environment. Wicker furniture can actually benefit from
More aboutHow To Care for Wicker Furniture

Detect and Counter ARP Poisoning under Windows and Linux

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, June 6, 2008

It is nowadays simply too easy to manipulate network traffic. There is for example a Chinese Software called Netsense, which makes it so easy, smooth and effortless, the people using it really might not even know it's using illegal techniques. I don't have any idea, though because I don't know what the manual or description says -> I don't speak Chinese.

ARP is the address resolution protocol. It resolves a computer's IP address to a computer's hardware MAC address. ARP poisoning means that one computer(A) claims to be the owner of the IP address of another computer(B). Computer(A) then gets all network traffic destined for that computer(B). This would mean that the computer(B) the network traffic is actually destined to would not get it anymore. Therefore the spying host(A) is usually configured to forward the packages to the actual host(B) after inspecting them.

Now let's see what you can do against ARP Poisoning under Linux.

First let's find out, what's going on. For that purpose wireshark is very helpful. Wireshark displays all network traffic on your interface. For our purposes we do not need to use the promiscuos mode, as we only have to see the packages directed at our machine. If you want to watch for other machines being poisoned you need to activate the promiscous mode. Usually activating it shouldn't hurt, so let's activate it. 

What you will see characteristically is that (1) one hosts keeps announcing its MAC address via ARP without any other hosts actually having asked for it beforehands. Wireshark may detect a duplicate use of IP addresses (3). And the normal ARP resolutions process(2) of a host asking for the IP address and then gettings its answer usually does not happen anymore for that particular address. (1) is called IP spoofing, as a host claims to have an IP address which it actually does not.

Let's see what we can do about it. There are two things you can do. The easy one, which works under Windows as well, is to set the MAC address manually, called static mac assignment. Type in run, or in a console:

arp -s 00-12-34-56-78-90
You should replace with the ip address of the host that is constantly shown in (1) and the mac address behind it with the real mac address of that host, which you can either look up manually or if you're lucky, see as in (2), e.g. when the ARP poisoning is not active at the moment.

Under Linux you can often chose a more flexible approach and simply ban the host that is poisoning your machine. Now don't even try using the normal iptables against it, in my tests it had absolutely no effect. But there is a version of it called arptables, which can help you.
sudo arptables -A INPUT -m mac --source-mac ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa -j DROP
While ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa should be replaced with the mac address of the host that can bee seen as sources mac address in (1). Now the host should not be able to poison your arp table (or communicate with you) anymore at all. Of course you can also just manually set the IP address just as under windows above
sudo arp -s 00-12-34-56-78-90
This will still allow the host to communiate with you.

To check what hosts and what mac address are in the arp table simply use
sudo arp

Remember that while the ARP poisoning is active and working, the hosts poisoning your arp table can usually see all your network traffic. This means the host can log and save everything in your network traffic, such as your passwords, emails, instant messages and everything that is not or poorly unencrypted, even some poorly configured online banking pages. It will most probably also have an impact on the connection speed, especially if you're using a wireless network with a bad reception. 

I hope it helped. Any questions or remarks in the comments are welcome.
More aboutDetect and Counter ARP Poisoning under Windows and Linux

KDE 4.1 Beta 1

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just downloaded and tried KDE4.1 Beta 1 for Ubuntu. It's got some quirks still, but it really rocks. It's very beautiful and smooth.

You see the desktops with some widgets: Notes, Dictionary, Slideshow, Fuzzy Clock(pretty cool), Logout&Lock, Trash Can.

Here is a list of bugs I have found so far:

  • knotify4 causes a very high wakeup rate (>100/sec) in powertop
  • many screensavers don't seem to show up, esp. kde3 ones
  • the display settings change the display, but don't change the settings of guidance-displayconfig, which is called at/etc/X11/Xsession.d/40guidance-displayconfig_restore
  • when the display resolution is changed, the panel at the bottom does not change until explicitly reset, not even after logout and login
  • it often gets stuck during logout and has to be killed with ctrl-alt-backspace
  • when the panel is quit, plasma segfault "plasma[6449]: segfault at 7f28000dc947 ip 7f28000dc947 sp 7fff8b103e28 error 14 in libnss_nis-2.7.so[7f2870885000+a000]"
  • when you place the "minimize-all" widget in the panel, plasma reproducibly starts using 50% cpu for me.

Get it here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive or from your friendly Linux Distributor. :)

More aboutKDE 4.1 Beta 1

Check it your ISP throttles P2P traffic

Diposkan oleh Unknown

More aboutCheck it your ISP throttles P2P traffic

Protect Files

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, June 4, 2008

If you want to make sure a file or directory structure can not be modified by anyone, this command helps:

sudo chattr +i

More aboutProtect Files